Items where Division is "Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)" and Year is 2015
Number of items: 336. UNSPECIFIED (2015) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing Unaudited FY2015 Results. [Conference or Proceeding] Teh, C. B. S. and Ahmed, O. H. and C. I., Fauziah and A., Izham and Wan Daud, Wan Noordin and Zakaria, Zin Z., eds. (2015) Proceedings of the Soil Science Conference of Malaysia 2005: advances in soil science for sustainable food production. Malaysian Society of Soil Science. ISBN 967-9945-27-8 -, . (2015) Imaging the present, imagining the future. [Journal / Magazine] ., . (2015) Economics of River Basin Management toward sustainable development for biodiversity and ecosystems conservation in Sabah. Sabah Forestry Department. ISBN 978-983-3108-237 A., Noor Izwan and B. A., Amirrudin (2015) Estimating ants (Hymenoptera: formicidae) diversity of Tasek Bera Ramsar Site, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia. [Journal / Magazine] A. H., Nor Farizah and M. M., Rahman and W. E., Wan Khadijah and R.B, Abdullah (2015) Effect of repeated laparoscopic ovum pick-up on yield and quality of oocytes in goats. [Journal / Magazine] A. M., Khumran and N., Yimer and Y., Rosnina and O. M, Ariff and H., Wahid and M., Ebrahimi and A., Kaka and M. B., Mahre (2015) Evaluation of physical and ultra-structural attributes of bulls' semen with variable freezing potential. [Journal / Magazine] A. S., Babji and D., Nur ‘Aliah and M., Nurul Nadia (2015) Nutritional value and potential of freshwater fish in rivers and mining pools of Malaysia. [Journal / Magazine] A. S., Babji and D., Nur ‘Aliah and M., Nurul Nadia (2015) Nutritional value and potential of freshwater fish in rivers and mining pools of Malaysia. [Journal / Magazine] A. W., Mohd. Hafiz and R., Mohamad Hifzan and A. J., Izuan Bahtiar and O. M., Ariff (2015) Describing growth pattern of Brakmas cows using non-linear regression models. [Journal / Magazine] Abd Manaf, Nadirah (2015) Reproductive phenology and sugar production of nipa palm (Nypa fruticans) in Labuk Bay, Sandakan. [Conference or Proceeding] Abdullah, Muhd Ikhmal Hishyam (2015) The diversity and ecology of earthworm in Sugut Forest Reserve. [Report] Able Global Berhad, . (2015) Johore Tin Bhd: Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Adeyemi, O.A. and Adedoyin, E. O. and Olaleye, O. O. and Njoku, P. C. and Sanwo, K. A. (2015) Effects of ascorbic acid supplementation on broiler chickens stocked at two different densities in a humid tropical environment. [Journal / Magazine] Ahmad, Abdul Hamid and Matsubayashi, Hisashi (2015) Wild cattle in the wetlands - is the Bornean Banteng a distinct species? [Conference or Proceeding] Al-Mabruk, R. M. and Alimon, A. R. (2015) Feed resources for small ruminants in Libya : a review. [Journal / Magazine] Andaman, Noor Azmizah and Nilus, Reuben and Osman, Abdullah (2015) Report on the assessment of water quality in Northern Gunung Rara (NGR) Forest Reserve (July 2015). [Report] Annammala, K. V. and Bidin, K. and Walsh, R. P. D and Blake, W. H. and Reynolds, G. (2015) Linking land-use, erosion and sediment : indication of higher erosion & sedimentation from logged and oil palm sites in Eastern Sabah, Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding] Ardi, Irmadiana (2015) Sharing of experience, management and conservation of Kuching Wetlands National Part-Ramsar site. [Conference or Proceeding] Asia Bioenergy Technologies Berhad, . (2015) Asia Bioenergy Technologies Berhad- Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Azmi, Reza (2015) Towards 100% traceable & sustainable palm oil : lessons learnt from a decade in palm oil. An insight into wild asia’s palm oil Initiative. [Conference or Proceeding] BLD Plantation Bhd., . (2015) Annual Report 2015-BLD Plantation Bhd. [Annual Report] Baba, Shigeyuki (2015) Current status of mangroves worldwide : the vital corridor linking the sea and inland forests. [Conference or Proceeding] Babji, A. S. and M. H., Nurfatin and I. K., Etty Syamila and M., Masitah (2015) Secrets of edible bird nest. [Journal / Magazine] Bahagian Akaun Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, . (2015) e-Learning Accrual Accounting (#eAKRUAN). [Bulletin / Newsletter] Bahagian Akaun Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, . (2015) e-Learning Accrual Accounting (#eAKRUAN). [Bulletin / Newsletter] Bahagian Akaun Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, . (2015) e-Learning Accrual Accounting (#eAKRUAN). [Bulletin / Newsletter] Bakar, John (2015) Bird survey report 2: Sugut Forest Reserve 11th to 15th May 2015. [Report] Bernard, Henry and Bili, Rayner and Matsuda, I. and Hanya, Goro and Wearn, Oliver R. and Ahmad, Abdul Hamid (2015) Distribution and persistence of primate community in disturbed and converted forest landscapes in Sabah, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding] Bili, Rayner and Julbit, Yoktan and Rudolf, Vivian and Tingkui, Lawrence and Petol, George Hubert (2015) Preliminary survey of mammals and birds of Kulamba Field Centre and nearby forests in the lower Kinabatangan-Segama Wetlands. [Conference or Proceeding] Biport Bulkers Sdn Bhd, . (2015) Biport Bulkers Sdn Bhd: Annual Reports 2015. [Annual Report] Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre, . (2015) Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre : Annual Report - 2015. [Annual Report] Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre, . (2015) The Sun Bear Voice. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Boustead Plantations Berhad, . (2015) Driven by Resilience : Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Brodie, Jedediah and Helmy, Olga and Bernard, Henry and Abd Gulam Azad, Mohd Azlan Jayasilan (2015) Mapping and prioritizing wildlife corridors. [Conference or Proceeding] C., Davendra (2015) Transforming the potential of small farms in Asia for food production. [Journal / Magazine] C., Devendra (2015) Sustaining animal-agriculture in a changing landscape—improving lives and livelihoods. [Journal / Magazine] C., Devendra (2015) Transforming the potential of small farms in Asia for food production. [Journal / Magazine] CB Industrial Product Holding Berhad (CBIP), . (2015) CB Industrial Product Holding Berhad (CBIP)- Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] CCK Consolidated Holdings Berhad, . (2015) CCK Consolidated Holdings Berhad (CCK)- Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Cenviro Sdn Bhd, . (2015) Cenviro Sustainability Report 2015. [Annual Report] Cenviro Sdn Bhd, . (2015) Tiada pencemaran udara akibat kebakaran. [Newspaper / News] Chan, Henry (2015) The Heart of Borneo Corridor Project : ensuring healthy watershed corridors for Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding] Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad, . (2015) Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad: Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Chung, Arthur Y.C. and M., Richard and L.Y., John and M., Roslee and I., Nurul Aqidah and A., Siti Zubaidah (2015) Insect diversity of Tundon Bohangin, Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding] Chung, Gait Fee and Lee, Chin Tui and Chiu, Sheng Bin and Chee, Kheng Hoy (2015) New book: pictorial guide to common weeds of plantations and their control. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (3). pp. 59-61. Cocoaland Holdings Berhad, . (2015) Cocoaland Holdings Berhad-Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Cypark Resources Berhad (CRB), . (2015) Cypark Resources Berhad (CRB) -Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] D., Magintan and Ilias, Rahmah and Ismail, Adnan and Jawing, Adrian and Rasdi, Idlan and M., Mohd. Sanusi (2015) A preliminary observation of mammals and other species visiting artificial salt licks in Peninsular Malaysia. [Journal / Magazine] Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited. (2015) Dairy Farm Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia, . (2015) Projek MAGIC jamin kedaulatan negara terhadap pulau di Malaysia. [Newspaper / News] Devendra, C. (2015) Sustaining animal-agriculture in a changing landscape - improving lives and livelihoods. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (3). pp. 50-58. Diarra, S. S. (2015) Utilisation of cassava products-copra meal based diets supplemented with or without Allzyme SSF by growing pullets. [Journal / Magazine] Dolman, Brock Todd (2015) Basin in relations : thinking like a watershed. [Conference or Proceeding] Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad, . (2015) Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad -Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Environmental Management and Research Association of Malaysia, . (2015) Berita ENSEARCH Q1 Jan – Q2 Jun 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Environmental Management and Research Association of Malaysia, . (2015) Berita ENSEARCH Q3 Julai- September 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Environmental Management and Research Association of Malaysia, . (2015) ENSEARCH 31th Annual Report 2014/2015. [Annual Report] FE Venture Sdn Bhd, . (2015) Best of Avian Care Essence for Avian Care. [ Brochure] FE Venture Sdn Bhd, . (2015) Halamid-Av The Universal Disinfectant: Salmonellosis. [ Brochure] FE Venture Sdn Bhd, . (2015) Too many choices of disinfectant? [ Brochure] Fakulti Perhutanan (2015) Hutan Simpan Ayer Hitam disasar jadi pusat pendidikan perhutanan antarabangsa. [Newspaper / News] Fakulti Perhutanan (2015) Inovasi PM-FLORA pindahkan 400 polibeg dari 8 jam kepada 10 minit. [Newspaper / News] Fakulti Pertanian (2015) Penyelidik temui formula atasi kulat, tompokan hitam pada betik. [Newspaper / News] Far East Holdings Berhad, . (2015) Far East Holdings Berhad - Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Farm's Best Berhad, . (2015) Farm's Best Berhad -Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Fitri Affendi Mustafa, . (2015) Undang-undang jerebu dirangka: tindakan boleh diambil kepada sesiapa sahaja. [Newspaper / News] Gabdo, B. H. and Mansor, M. I. and Kamal, H. A. W. and Ilmas, A. M. (2015) Socioeconomic perspectives of broiler farming in Peninsular Malaysia. [Journal / Magazine] Greenyield Berhad, . (2015) Greenyield Berhad -Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Guan Chong Berhad, . (2015) Guan Chong Berhad-Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Hap Seng Plantations Holdings Berhad, . (2015) Hap Seng Plantations Holdings Berhad -Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Hap Seng Plantations Holdings Berhad, . (2015) Hap Seng Plantations Holdings Berhad: Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Harn Len Corporation Bhd, . (2015) Harn Len Corporation Bhd -Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Hayazi, Mohd Faizal Hussaini (2015) Diversity of spider family Sparassidae in Sugut Forest Reserve. [Report] Heng Huat Resources Group Berhad, . (2015) Heng Huat Resources Group Berhad -Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] HeveaBoard Berhad, . (2015) HeveaBoard Berhad -Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Hossein, S. and Dahlan, I. (2015) Growth performance of free-range village chickens fed dehydrated processed food waste. [Journal / Magazine] I. J., Farahiyah and Wong, H. K. and A. A. R., Zainal and A., Ahmad (2015) Fish offal meal as an alternative protein source of fish meal for Tilapia, Oreochromis sp. [Journal / Magazine] IOI Corporation Berhad (IOI) - Plantation, . (2015) IOI Corporation Berhad (IOI) - Plantation -Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Innoprise Plantations Berhad, . (2015) Innoprise Plantations Berhad -Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Institut Penyelidikan Hidraulik Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), . (2015) NAHRIM: Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM), . (2015) FRIM in Focus: Disember 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM), . (2015) FRIM in Focus: Jun 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM), . (2015) FRIM in Focus: Mac 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM), . (2015) FRIM in Focus: September 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM), . (2015) MFRDB FRIM: Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] JB Foods Limited, . (2015) JB Foods Limited - Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Jabatan Peguam Negara. (2015) Peraturan-Peraturan Pengurusan Strata (Penyenggaraan Pengurusan) 2015. [ePolicy / eCircular] Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Negeri Johor, . (2015) Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 [Akta 172]: Kaedah-Kaedah Menyedia Dan Mengemukakan Pelan Serta Dokumen Untuk Kebenaran Merancang Pindaan 2014. [Act] Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Negeri Johor, . (2015) Pelaksanaan Garis Panduan Ekonomi Hijau di Iskandar Malaysia. [Manual or Guide] Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Semenanjung Malaysia, . (2015) Garis panduan perancangan pembangunan fizikal pulau pulau dan taman laut. [Manual or Guide] Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Semenanjung Malaysia, . (2015) Taklimat Garis Panduan Baru “Guidelines For Siting And Zoning Of Industry And Residential Areas". [Manual or Guide] Jabatan Perhutanan Johor (2015) Jabatan Perhutanan Johor: Laporan tahunan 2015. [Annual Report] Jabatan Perikanan Sabah, . (2015) Anggaran Pengeluaran Ikan Kasar Perikanan Akuakultur Sabah, 2015. [Statistic] Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Malaysia, . and Kementerian Pertanian Dan Industri Asas Tani Malaysia, . (2015) Protokol Veterinar Malaysia: Avian Infectious Bronchitis (AIB) 1/2015. [Manual or Guide] Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Malaysia, . and Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani Malaysia, . (2015) Protokol Veterinar Malaysia: Penyakit Pleuropneumonia Berjangkit Bovin (Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia) 1/2015. [Manual or Guide] Jabatan Perumahan Negara (JPN) (2015) Buletin Jabatan Perumahan Negara Bil 1/2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Jabatan Perumahan Negara (JPN) (2015) Kenyataan Akhbar: Penguatkuasaan Pindaan Akta 118 Dan Peraturan-Peraturan Di Bawahnya. [ePolicy / eCircular] Jabatan Perumahan Negara (JPN) (2015) Peraturan-Peraturan Pemajuan Perumahan (Kawalan dan Pelesenan) Pindaan 2015. [Act] Jabatan Perumahan Negara (JPN), . (2015) Peraturan-Peraturan Pemajuan Perumahan (Akaun Pemajuan Perumahan)(Pindaan) 2015. [Act] Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia, . (2015) Laporan Tahunan Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia 2015. [Annual Report] Jambari, Asrulsani and T. Elagupillay, Sivananthan and Abdul Halim, Hazril Rafhan and Saharudin, Muhd. Hakim and Mohamed, Khairul Amirin and Mohd, Alim and Seman, Mohd Fauzi and Samsuddin, Sohaimi and Mohd Azmi, Ihsan Syahid (2015) A camera trap assessment of terrestrial vertebrates in Taman Negara Kelantan And Terengganu, Malaysia. [Journal / Magazine] Jawatankuasa Pemetaan dan Data Spatial Negara, . (2015) Buletin GIS & Geomatik Bil. 2/2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Jawatankuasa Pemetaan dan Data Spatial Negara, . (2015) Buletin GIS Bil. 1/2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Johor Corporation, . (2015) Johor Corporation - Laporan Tahunan 2015. [Annual Report] K. Hill, Jane (2015) Habitat connectivity and climate change. [Conference or Proceeding] Kalabakan Forestry Office, . (2015) Northern Gunung Rara Sustainable Forest Management (NGR SFM) Project - AWP 2015. [Report] Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, . (2015) Laporan tahunan 2015 Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah. [Annual Report] Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, . (2015) Statistik Usahawan Orang Asli 2011-2015. [Data] Khaing, K. T. and Loh, T. C. and Ghizan, S. and Halim, R. A. and Samsudin, A. A. (2015) Feed intake, growth performance and digestibility in goats fed whole corn plant silage and Napier grass. [Journal / Magazine] Kiew, Ruth and Sang, Julia and Ripin, Rimi and Ali Ahmad, Joffre (2015) A Guide to Begonias of Borneo. [Journal / Magazine] Kim Loong Resources Berhad, . (2015) Kim Loong Resources Berhad - Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Kitching, Roger (2015) Fragmentation, connectvity, conservation : the S.A.F.E. experiment in context. [Conference or Proceeding] Kleine, Michael (2015) Multipurpose landscape assessments : meeting international/national planning and reporting standards – can we do better? [Conference or Proceeding] Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd, . (2015) Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd - Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad, . (2015) HCS+ proposes a new pathway to sustainable oil palm development. [Newspaper / News] Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad, . (2015) Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad : Sustainability Policy – 1st Implementation Progress Report. [Report] Kuantan Flour Mills Bhd, . (2015) Kuantan Flour Mills Bhd - Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad, . (2015) Kulim’s Integrated Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad, . (2015) Plantation Division Sustainability Report 2014-2015. [Report] Kumpulan FIMA Berhad, . (2015) Kumpulan FIMA Berhad - Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] LOTUS KFM Berhad, . (2015) Kuantan Flour Mills Berhad: Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Lackman, Isabelle (2015) Orang-utan on the edge : fragmented sanctuary and wildlife corridors in the lower Kinabatangan. [Conference or Proceeding] Lahasing, Guslia and Ignatius, Rita and Anton, Ann (2015) Kota Kinabalu Wetlands towards its Ramsar status. [Conference or Proceeding] Lala, A. and Okwelum, N. and Bello, K. O. and Salami, W. A. (2015) Evaluation of anticoccidial effect of Khaya senegalensis stem bark on the performance of three strains of egg type chickens. [Journal / Magazine] Lasimbang, Yoggie and Abram, Nicky (2015) Telupid living landscape. [Conference or Proceeding] Lau, King Shiang (2015) Feeding habit of archerfishes in Sugut Forest Reserve. [Report] Lay Hong Berhad, . (2015) Lay Hong Berhad - Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia, . (2015) Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia: Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Lembaga Urus Air Selangor, . (2015) Buletin LUAS Edisi April- Jun 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Lembaga Urus Air Selangor, . (2015) Buletin LUAS Edisi Jan- Mac 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Lembaga Urus Air Selangor, . (2015) Buletin LUAS Edisi July- Sept 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Lembaga Urus Air Selangor, . (2015) Buletin LUAS Edisi Okt - Dis 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Lembaga Urus Air Selangor, . (2015) SOR Sg. Selangor 2015. [Report] Lembaga Urus Air Selangor, . (2015) SOR Sungai Bernam 2015. [Report] Lembaga Urus Air Selangor, . (2015) SOR Sungai Klang 2015. [Report] Lembaga Urus Air Selangor, . (2015) SOR Sungai Langat 2015. [Report] Lim, Boo Liat (2015) The field rats and field mouse in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. [Journal / Magazine] Lim, Boo Liat (2015) The house rodents and house shrew in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. [Journal / Magazine] Lim, Boo Liat (2015) The house rodents and house shrew in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (2). pp. 43-50. Lim, Boon Ngee (2015) 1Q FYE DEC 2015 Results Report. [Report] Lim, Boon Ngee (2015) 4Q FYE DEC 2014 Results Report. pp. 1-3. Lip, Belinda (2015) Approaches and tools for sustainable watershed management : case examples from WWF. [Conference or Proceeding] Lowman, Margaret (2015) Watershed : from forest floor to canopy. [Conference or Proceeding] Lucey, Jen and Hill, Jane and van der Meer, Peter and Agama, Agnes and Reynolds, Glen (2015) Are RSPO standards delivering sustainability? The SEnSOR Programme. [Conference or Proceeding] Lucey, Jennifer and Hill, Jane and Reynolds, Glen (2015) New outputs from SEnSOR : gaining co-benefits for biodiversity and carbon storage within plantations. [Conference or Proceeding] M. Fahmi-Ahmad, . and Syed A. Rizal, . and B.A., Amirrudin (2015) Ichthyofaunal diversity of Tasek Bera Ramsar Site, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia. [Journal / Magazine] MHC Plantations Bhd, . (2015) MHC Plantations Bhd -Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Mahre, M. B. and Wahid, H. and Y, Rosnina and Jesse, F. F. A. (2015) Estrus response and pregnancy rate of Rusa timorensis following estrus synchronization with prostaglandin analogue. [Journal / Magazine] Majid Cooke, Fadzilah (2015) Contribution of environmental sociology to the watershed corridors conservation in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding] Majid Cooke, Fadzilah (2015) Where are the people in the Ramsar Wetlands of the Lower Kinabatangan and Segama Rivers of Sabah? [Conference or Proceeding] Malayan Sugar Manufacturing Company Berhad, . (2015) MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Malaysian Bioeconomy Development Corporation Sdn Bhd, . (2015) Bioeconomy Transformation Programme Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Malaysian Bioeconomy Development Corporation Sdn Bhd, . (2015) Gross domestic product (GDP) contribution of bioeconomy. [ Brochure] Malaysian Bioeconomy Development Corporation Sdn Bhd, . (2015) Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Malaysian Bioeconomy Development Corporation Sdn Bhd, . (2015) Revealed comparative advantage of bio-based products: a Malaysian case study. [Report] Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tigers, . (2015) MYCAT Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Malaysian Furniture Council, . (2015) Malaysian Furniture News 2014. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Malaysian Furniture Council, . (2015) Malaysian Furniture News 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Malaysian Investment Development Authority, . (2015) Investbyte Jun 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Malaysian Investment Development Authority, . (2015) Investbyte May 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Malaysian Investment Development Authority, . (2015) Malaysian Investment Development Authority E-Newsletter August 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Malaysian Investment Development Authority, . (2015) Malaysian Investment Development Authority E-Newsletter Dis 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Malaysian Investment Development Authority, . (2015) Malaysian Investment Development Authority E-Newsletter Okt 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Malaysian Investment Development Authority, . (2015) Malaysian Investment Development Authority E-Newsletter Sept 2015. [Bulletin / Newsletter] Meor Shamsool, Mainurain (2015) Diversity of fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) at Hutan Simpan Sugut. [Report] Mewah International Inc, . (2015) Mewah International Inc -Annual Report 2015. [Annual Report] Milsum, J. N. (2015) Malayan banana varieties in 1919. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (1). pp. 10-12. Milsum, J.N. (2015) Malayan banana varieties in 1919. [Journal / Magazine] Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, . (2015) National Energy Efficiency Action Plan. [ePolicy / eCircular] N., Yimer and N, Muhammad and K., Sarsaifi and Y., Rosnina and H., Wahid and A. M., Khumran and A., Kaka (2015) Effect of honey supplementation into Tris Extender on cryopreservation of bull spermatozoa. [Journal / Magazine] Nainar, Anand and Bidin, Kawi and Walsh, Rory P. D. (2015) Variations in suspended sediment dynamics of catchments of differing land-use in the catchments of the SAFE Project, Sabah (North Borneo). [Conference or Proceeding] Naruse, Tohru and Arthur, Y. C. Chung and Tangah, Joseph (2015) Decapod crustaceans in the mangrove ecosystems around Sandakan and Lower Kinabatangan-Segama Wetlands, Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding] Ng, Casey (2015) Bitten by the banana bug. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (1). pp. 22-23. Ng, Casey (2015) Citrus for New Year prosperity, luck and abundance. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, Casey (2015) Citrus for New Year prosperity, luck and abundance. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (2). pp. 3-7. Ng, Casey (2015) Plant leaves in food preparation and packaging. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, Casey (2015) Plant leaves in food preparation and packaging. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, Casey (2015) Pomelo - Citrus maxima - the indigenous mega-citrus of South-East Asia. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, Casey (2015) Pomelo- Citrus maxima-the indigenous mega-citrus of South-East Asia. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (3). pp. 29-34. Ng, Casey (2015) A survey of cultivated bananas in Perak. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, F. S. P. (2015) Burnt earth for potted plants. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, F. S. P. (2015) Burnt earth for potted plants. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (2). pp. 8-11. Ng, F. S. P. (2015) Design for longevity – the maximum age of trees and palms. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, F. S. P. (2015) New book: tropical forest fruits, seeds, seedlings and trees. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (1). pp. 60-63. Ng, F. S. P. (2015) Tropical rain forest in a shopping mall. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, F. S. P. (2015) Tropical rain forest in a shopping mall. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (2). pp. 57-62. Ng, F. S. P. (2015) The rain tree - Samanea saman - and its yellow form. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (3). pp. 43-49. Ng, F. S. P. (2015) The rain tree— Samanea saman—and its yellow form. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, F. S. P. and Tong, P. S. (2015) Plant breeding in the tropics at Green World Genetics. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, Francis (2015) Breeding the papaya—Carica papaya. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, Francis (2015) Breeding the papaya—Carica papaya. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (2). pp. 32-42. Ng, Francis (2015) Crop diversity and agricultural expertise. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, Francis (2015) Crop diversity and agricultural expertise. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (2). p. 2. Ng, Francis (2015) What price information? [Journal / Magazine] Ng, Francis (2015) What price information? Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (3). p. 2. Ng, Francis S. P. (2015) Enquire, Explain, Explore. [Journal / Magazine] Ng, Francis S. P. (2015) A brief history of bananas. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (1). pp. 3-9. Ng, S. P. Francis (2015) A brief history of bananas. [Journal / Magazine] Ng,, Casey (2015) A survey of cultivated bananas in Perak. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (1). pp. 13-21. Ngo, Edmund (2015) Chance to reap fruitful gains: Shared-farming scheme among highlights at Star Property Fair. [Newspaper / News] Nilus, Reuben and Sugau, John B. (2015) Forest assessment of Lower Sugut Forest Reserve. [Report] Nilus, Reuben and Sugau, John. B. and Pereira, Joan T. and Sabran, Suzana and Anthony, Rosila (2015) The forest ecosystems of Sabah Ramsar Wetland. [Conference or Proceeding] Njoku,, C. P. and Adeyemi, O. A. and Sanya, B. J. and Akinola, S. O. and Oluwatosin, O. O. (2015) Physiological response of growing pigs to qualitative and quantitative feed restriction in a humid tropical environment. [Journal / Magazine] Nor Asma Ab Razak. (2015) Galak cucuk tanam. [Newspaper / News] Nutrition Department, Ministry of Health Malaysia Nutrition Depa, . (2015) Garis Panduan Program Pemulihan Kanak-Kanak Kekurangan Zat Makanan 2015. Nutrition Department, Ministry of Health Malaysia. O. M., Ariff and N. Y., Sharifah and A. W., Hafidz (2015) Status of beef industry of Malaysia. [Journal / Magazine] Ojo, V. O. A. and Ogunsakin, A. O. and Dele, P. A. and Adelusi, O. O. and Olanite, J. A. and Adeoye, S. A. and Amole, T. A. and Onifade, O. S. (2015) Yield and chemical composition of Pennisetum hybrid fertilized with animal manures and harvested at different times. [Journal / Magazine] Olaifa, R. O. and Adeyemi, O. A. and Oloyede, S. T. and Sogunle, O. M. and Agunbiade, J. A. and Okubanjo, A. O. (2015) Performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens fed graded levels of cassava peel meal based diets. [Journal / Magazine] Ooi, Peter A. C. (2015) Biological control of agricultural pests. [Journal / Magazine] Ooi, Peter A. C. (2015) Biological control of agricultural pests. Agriculture Science Journal. pp. 25-31. Ooi, Peter A. C. (2015) Common insect pests of rice and their natural biological control. [Journal / Magazine] Ooi, Peter A. C. (2015) Common insect pests of rice and their natural biological control. Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (1). pp. 49-59. PEST Control Association of Malaysia, . (2015) 26th FAOPMA Convention 2015: Managing invasive pests for a sustainable tomorrow. 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