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Number of items: 952.


1989 PORIM International Palm Oil Development Conference ( 1989 (1989) Proceedings : 1989 PORIM International Palm Oil Development Conference, 5-9 September, 1989, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

1989 PORIM International Palm Oil Development Conference ( 1989 Proceedings : 1989 Porim International Palm Oil Development Conference 5-9 September 1989, Kuala Lumpur / editors Jalani Sukaimi ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]


AgroFresh Group, . (2021) AgroFresh Solutions, Inc.: BMO Farm to market conference. [Conference or Proceeding]

AgroFresh Group, . (2021) AgroFresh Solutions, Inc.: First quarter 2021 supplemental earnings presentation. [Conference or Proceeding]

AgroFresh Group, . (2021) AgroFresh Solutions, Inc.: Fourth quarter 2020-supplemental earnings presentation. [Conference or Proceeding]

AgroFresh Group, . (2021) AgroFresh Solutions, Inc.: Investment overview -ICR Conference. [Conference or Proceeding]

Able Global Berhad, . (2020) A growing dairy, foods and metal packaging company with extensive geographical customer base. [Conference or Proceeding]

Azmi, Reza (2017) Approaches to capacity building in palm oil. [Conference or Proceeding]

Abdullah Bibi, Muhd Safwan (2017) The Heart of Borneo Corridor Project. [Conference or Proceeding]

Abdul Kadir, Kertijah (2017) Project RiLeaf : Kinabatangan Riparian Reforestation and oil palm sustainability engagements. [Conference or Proceeding]

Anthony, Rosila and Mohd. Din, Norlina and Rehman, Rashidah Maqbool and Martin, Ricky Alisky (2017) The status of the establishment of Community Conserved Areas (CCAs) under the EU programme – tackling climate change through sustainable forest management and community development. [Conference or Proceeding]

Arpa, Arni-Natalia and Joeman, Bernadette D. and Petol, George Hubert (2016) Environmental Education (EE) programme on Ramsar by Rainforest Discovery Centre, Sabah Forestry Department. [Conference or Proceeding]

Ancrenaz, Marc and Meijaard, Erik (2016) Making the science-policy interface work for conservation priorities in Sabah : a mini-workshop. [Conference or Proceeding]

Asner, Greg (2016) Mapping forests for conservation action and climate change mitigation. [Conference or Proceeding]

Abd Manaf, Nadirah (2015) Reproductive phenology and sugar production of nipa palm (Nypa fruticans) in Labuk Bay, Sandakan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Ardi, Irmadiana (2015) Sharing of experience, management and conservation of Kuching Wetlands National Part-Ramsar site. [Conference or Proceeding]

Azmi, Reza (2015) Towards 100% traceable & sustainable palm oil : lessons learnt from a decade in palm oil. An insight into wild asia’s palm oil Initiative. [Conference or Proceeding]

Ahmad, Abdul Hamid and Matsubayashi, Hisashi (2015) Wild cattle in the wetlands - is the Bornean Banteng a distinct species? [Conference or Proceeding]

Annammala, K. V. and Bidin, K. and Walsh, R. P. D and Blake, W. H. and Reynolds, G. (2015) Linking land-use, erosion and sediment : indication of higher erosion & sedimentation from logged and oil palm sites in Eastern Sabah, Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Abdullah, Mohd Jinis and Abd. Rasid, Jeffri and Harry Yong, . (2014) Emerging international forest and forest related issues : challenges to foresters for future forestry sector development in Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Ahmad, Rambli and Ling, Chea Yiing and Lucy Chong, . and Henry Chan, . (2014) HCVF assessment: a case study at Kubaan Puak FMU, Sarawak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Ariffin, Roslan (2014) Peranan masyarakat bagi memantapkan pengurusan kawasan hutan lipur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Aziz, Mohd Shukri (2014) Usaha-usaha penting pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan kawasan hutan melalui inisiatif pelaksanaan Central Forest Spine (CFS). [Conference or Proceeding]

Ahmad, Sapuan (2014) A century of forest management : lessons learnt and the way forward. [Conference or Proceeding]

Abd. Rahim, Abd. Rahman (2014) The future prospect of forestry in Malaysia : my dream and aspiration in 2020. [Conference or Proceeding]

Abram, Nicola K. (2013) Understanding where to invest conservation efforts: Spatial planning for conservation effectiveness and sustainable development in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Abdullah, Julaihi (2005) Altitudinal analyses of dipterocarps of limestone vegetation in Sarawak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Aggangan, N. S. and Aggangan, J. S. and Bulan, J.C.O. and Limos, C. A. S. (2005) Ectomycorrhizal inoculation of Anisoptera thurifera (Blanco) Blume and Shorea guiso (Blanco) Blume with ectomycorrhizal fungi in Philippine red soil. [Conference or Proceeding]

Ang, L. H. (2005) Establishment techniques of some dipterocarps on ex-mining land in Peninsular Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

AIFM International Conference on Multiple Resource Inventory and (1996) Multiple resource inventory and monitoring of tropical forests / edited by: Haron Abu Hassan,Chin Yue Mun & Nasaruddin Rahman. [Conference or Proceeding]

Asia-Pacific Conference on Plant Physiology ( 1st : 1992 : Kuala (1993) [Oral papers... presented at the] First Asia-Pacific Conference on Plant Physiology, 10-12 November 1992, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Editors Ahmad Zamzam Mohamed, Tung Heng Fong, Helen Nair, organised by Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology, Malaysian Agri. [Conference or Proceeding]

Asia Pacific Conference on Food Processing & Technology ( 1992 : (1992) Food processing and technology. [Conference or Proceeding]

Asian Congress of Nutrition ( 6th : 1991 : Kuala Lumpur). (1991) Nutritional challenges & frontiers towards year 2000 : abstracts [of the] 6th Asian Congress of Nutrition, 16-19 September, 1991, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

AQUATECH Conference ( 1990 : Kuala Lumpur). (1990) Technical and economic aspects of shrimp farming : proceedings of the AQUATECH '90 conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-14 June 1990 / editors, Michael B. New, Henri de Saram and Tarlochan Singh. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Technical Seminar on Grain Postharvest Technology ( 10th : (1989) Grain postharvest systems : proceedings of the tenth ASEAN Technical Seminar on Grain Post-harvest Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 August 1987 / edited by B.M. de Mesa. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Consultative Workshop on Mollusc Depuration ( 1988 : Penan (1989) Proceedings : ASEAN Consultative Workshop on Mollusc Depuration, 4-7 October 1988, Penang, Malaysia / edited by Dr. Peter A. Ayres. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Workshop on Food Habits ( 6th : 1987 : Kuala Lumpur). (1988) Trend and future of food habits in ASEAN : proceedings of the ... Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 19-21 March, 1987. [Conference or Proceeding]

Asian Fish Health Network Workshop ( 1986 : Manila). (1987) Fish quarantine and fish diseases in South and Southeast Asia : report of the Asian Fish Health Network workshop held in Manila 30 May 1986 / edited by J.R. Arthur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Air Pollution Control Training Workshop ( 1985 : Kuala Lumpur). (1986) Papers presented at the Air Pollution Control Training Workshop 28-29 November 1985, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Asian Agriculture Agrotechnology, Agribusiness Conference 2nd 19 (1986) Towards higher productivity and efficiency in agriculture: proceedings of the 2nd Asian Agriculture, Agrotechnology, Agribusiness Conference held from 5-7 August 1986 at PWTC, K.L/ edited by Abu Bakar Mahmud. [Conference or Proceeding]

Asean Technical Seminar on Health and Ecology in Grains Post-Har (1984) Papers presented at the Asean Technical Seminar... 21-24 Aug. 1984, K. L. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Orchid Congress ( 3rd : 1980 : Serdang). (1980) (Papers presented at the Third Asean Orchid Congress, 22-26 August, 1980, Serdang, Selangor). [Conference or Proceeding]

Arvin, Paul L. (1977) Introduction to the common marine zooplankton of Peninsular Malaysia / by P.L. Arvin. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Seminar on Tropical Rainforest Management: vol.1 ( 1977 : (1977) (Paper presented at the ASEAN Seminar on Tropical Rainforest Management, Kuantan, 7-10 Nov., 1977. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Seminar on Tropical Rainforest Management: vol.2 ( 1977 : (1977) (Paper presented at the ASEAN Seminar on Tropical Rainforest Management, Kuantan, 7-10 Nov., 1977. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Seminar on Tropical Rainforest Management: vol.3 ( 1977 : (1977) (Paper presented at the ASEAN Seminar on Tropical Rainforest Management, Kuantan, 7-10 Nov., 1977. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Seminar on Tropical Rainforest Management: vol.4 ( 1977 : (1977) (Paper presented at the ASEAN Seminar on Tropical Rainforest Management, Kuantan, 7-10 Nov., 1977. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Seminar on Tropical Rainforest Management: vol.5 ( 1977 : (1977) (Paper presented at the ASEAN Seminar on Tropical Rainforest Management, Kuantan, 7-10 Nov., 1977. [Conference or Proceeding]

Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Permanent Committee on F (1969) Report of the first meeting, Djakarta, 22-24 September, 1969/ Asean Permanent Committee on Food Production and Supply including Fisheries. [Conference or Proceeding]

Abdul Jalil, Mohd Fazli Dasar Perumahan Negeri Sembilan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Asian Conference on Biology Education 1978 University of Malaya. Multidisciplinary biology education relevant to community development: proceedings of the Asian Conference on Biology Education/ edited by Cheong Siew Yoong, S. Kanagasabai, John Arul Phillips. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN-SEAFDEC Conference on Sustainable Fisheries for Food Secur Proceedings of ASEAN-SEAFDEC conference on sustainable fisheries for food security in the new millennium: "Fish for the people", 19-24 November 2001, The Sofitel Central Plaza Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand / jointly organized by Association of Southeast Asian. [Conference or Proceeding]

APHCA Poultry Disease Workshop 1978 Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings of the APHCA Poultry Disease Workshop held at Merlin Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 27th February to 3rd March, 1978/ editors, Ahmad Mustaffa bin Haji Babjee, Yap Teow Chong. [Conference or Proceeding]

APHCA Workshop on the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease in the A Proceedings of the APHCA Workshop on the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease in the Asean Region, , 23rd-25th April 1979, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / editors, A. Mustaffa-Babjee ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Technical Seminar on Grain Postharvest Technology ( 17th : Proceedings of the ASEAN Technical Seminar on Grain Postharvest Technology. [Conference or Proceeding]

Agro-Industrial Wastes Symposium ( 1975 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the Agro-Industrial Wastes Symposium 1975/ edited by Chin Peng Sung ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Asean Seminar-Workshop on University Extension and Community Out Proceedings of the Asean Seminar-Workshop on University Extension and Community Outreach on 6-10 June 1983 / compiled by Maimunah Ismail, Zaharah Susan Ardis Keeney, Aminah Ahmad. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Forestry Congress ( 1st : 1983 : Manila). Proceedings of the First ASEAN Forestry Congress, 10-15 October 1983, Manila, Philippines. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Workshop on Fermentation Technology Applied to the Utiliza Proceedings of the First ASEAN Workshop on Fermentation Technology Applied to the Utilization of Food Waste Materials / edited by Dr. Rahim Bidin, Dr. C.N. Chong and Dr. C.W. Wang. [Conference or Proceeding]

Asian Conference on Food Safety ( 1st. : 1990 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the First Asian Conference on Food Safety : the challenges of the 90`s, Sept. 2-7, 1990 / editor Zahara Merican. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Seminar on Grain Postharvest Technology ( 14th : 1991 : Ma Proceedings of the Fourteenth ASEAN Seminar on Grain Postharvest Technology, Manila, Philippines, 5-8 November, 1991 / edited by Jocelyn O. Naewbanji and Alessandro A. Manilay. [Conference or Proceeding]

Asean Workshop on Solid Substrate Fermentation ( 2nd : 1980 : Ku Proceedings of the Second Asean Workshop on Solid Substrate Fermentation, Kuala Lumpur, 27-29 November 1980/ organized by Asean Sub-Committee on Protein. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Orchid Congress ( 3rd : 1980 : Serdang). Proceedings of the Third Asean Orchid Congress. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Workshop on the Technology of Animal Feed Production Utili Proceedings of the first ASEAN Workshop on the Technology of Animal Feed Production Utilising Food Waste Materials held in Bandung, Indonesia, on August 26-28, 1981/ edited by Oei Ban Liang and A.T.A. Karossi. [Conference or Proceeding]

ASEAN Workshop on Fermentation Technology Applied to the Utiliza Proceedings of the second ASEAN Workshop on Fermentation Technology Applied to the Utilization of Food Waste Materials, Cebu City, Philippines, 3-9 October 1983. [Conference or Proceeding]

Adinan Husin. Processing of ice-cream and its related products : ice milk and sherbert. [Conference or Proceeding]

Asiedu, J. J. Processing tropical crops - a technological approach / J.J. Asiedu. [Conference or Proceeding]


Brodie, Jedediah (2017) Landscape connectivity, wildlife persistence, and mega-dams. [Conference or Proceeding]

Benedict, Mark Louis (2017) Lower Kinabatangan Habitat Restoration Model through effective volunteer management. [Conference or Proceeding]

Burslem, David and Both, Sabine (2017) Changes in the expression of plant functional traits in response to logging tropical forests. [Conference or Proceeding]

Baking, Esther L. and Bernard, Henry and Struebig, Matthew J. and Deere, Nicolas J. (2016) Assessing the conservation value of Riparian Reserves for terrestrial mammals in oil palm plantation and highly degraded forest. [Conference or Proceeding]

Borrini-Feyerabend, Grazia (2016) Towards more effective & equitable conservation : discovering, recognizing & supporting ICCAs: Part I. [Conference or Proceeding]

Borrini-Feyerabend, Grazia (2016) Towards more effective & equitable conservation : discovering, recognizing & supporting ICCAs : Part II. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bili, Rayner and Julbit, Yoktan and Rudolf, Vivian and Tingkui, Lawrence and Petol, George Hubert (2015) Preliminary survey of mammals and birds of Kulamba Field Centre and nearby forests in the lower Kinabatangan-Segama Wetlands. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bernard, Henry and Bili, Rayner and Matsuda, I. and Hanya, Goro and Wearn, Oliver R. and Ahmad, Abdul Hamid (2015) Distribution and persistence of primate community in disturbed and converted forest landscapes in Sabah, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Brodie, Jedediah and Helmy, Olga and Bernard, Henry and Abd Gulam Azad, Mohd Azlan Jayasilan (2015) Mapping and prioritizing wildlife corridors. [Conference or Proceeding]

Baba, Shigeyuki (2015) Current status of mangroves worldwide : the vital corridor linking the sea and inland forests. [Conference or Proceeding]

Brand, David (2014) Balancing the need for timber plantations and forest conservation. [Conference or Proceeding]

Budeng, Bolhan and Ahmad, Sapuan and Wan Salleh, Wan Shardini and Wasli, Mohmmed Kassim and Zaini, Mohamad Kasyfullah (2014) Visitors’ activities on-trail and attitudes towards Proboscis monkeys conservation in Bako National Park. [Conference or Proceeding]

Beastall, Claire (2013) Sabah, Borneo and the wildlife trade : finding regional solutions to a common problem. [Conference or Proceeding]

Butler, Rhett A. (2012) Changing drivers of deforestation: what it means for business and conservation. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bovarnick, Andrew (2011) Achieving a green economy. [Conference or Proceeding]

Brand, David (2011) Biodiversity finance in the Heart of Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Blue Archipelago Berhad, . (2011) Intensive shrimp culture water management: Biofloc technology and waste water treatment system. [Conference or Proceeding]

Blue Archipelago Berhad, . (2009) Farm biosecurity information & implementation viral (WSSV) disease. [Conference or Proceeding]

B., Dell and R., Sanmee and P., Lumyong and S, Lumyong (2005) Ectomycorrhizal fungi in dry and wet dipterocarp forests in northern Thailand - diversity and use as food. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Dasar Pertanian Negara (Baru) ( 1992 : Serdang, Malaysia (1992) [Kertas-Kerja] Bengkel Dasar Pertanian Negera (Baru), 23 - 24 Oktober, 1992, Pusat Pengembangan dan Pendidikan Lanjutan / Anjuran Pusat Kajian Dasar Pertanian, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Pembangunan Fisiologi Tanaman Tropika : Kekangan-Kekanga (1991) Koleksi kertas kerja Bengkel Pembangunan Fisiologi Tanaman Tropika : kekangan-kekangan fisiologi & Persekitaran, 27-28 Ogos 1991 di Pusat Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Lanjutan, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor / Sidang editor Hamid Lazan... [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Petani Siswazah ( 1986 : Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.) (1986) Kertaskerja-kertaskerja Bengkel Petani Siswazah Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, 29-30 September 1986. [Conference or Proceeding]

Biotrop Symposium on Mensurational problems of Forest Inventory (1983) Mensurational problems of forest inventory in Southeast Asia : proceedings of Biotrop Symposium on Mensurational Problems of Forest Inventory in Southeast Asia, Bogor, Indonesia, 26-28 June 1980 / edited by : Rudolf W. Becking. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Pengurusan Penyelidikan bagi Kemajuan Petani ( 1981 : Se (1981) (Kertaskerja-kertaskerja Bengkel Pengurusan Penyelidikan bagi Kemajuan Petani yang berlangsung pada 14hb-16hb September 1981 di Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor). [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Pembangunan Tanah Tanah Terbiar ( 1980 : Serdang, Selang (1980) Kertaskerja kertaskerja ... yang diadakan di Ibu Pejabat Mardi, Serdang, Selangor, pada 5-7 Oktober 1980. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Bahagian Kawasan Pantai Timor ( 197 (1972) Laporan Bengkel Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Bahagian Kawasan Pantai Timor : Pusat Latehan Pertanian, Paya Besar, Kuantan, Pahang, 13 Mach-23 Mach, 1972 / di-susun oleh Sekshen Ekonomi Rumah Tangga, Chawangan Perkembangan, Jabatan Pertanian. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Ekonomi Rumah Tangga ( Ke 5 : 1971 : Serdang). (1971) Laporan Bengkel Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Ke-5 di Sekolah Pertanian Serdang, 9hb Mach hingga 13hb Mach / disusun oleh Airmy Johari. [Conference or Proceeding]

Biusing, Rooney and Chio, Fui Lin Status of spiny lobster resources in Sabah, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkil Teknoloji Minyak Kelapa Sawit, ( Pertama : 1974 : Kuala Proceedings : Bengkil Teknoloji Minyak Sawit, Pertama, 1974, Kuala Lumpur / edited by Ooi Swee Chai and A. Awalludin]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Barney, J. A. Processing of natural rubber - information on current practices / compiled by J.A. Barney. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Jagung Nasional ( 1987 : Pulau Pinang). Prosiding Bengkel Jagung Nasional 21-23 Julai 1987, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia / disunting oleh Mansor Puteh dan Wong Lock Jam. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Kebangsaan Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan Tanah Gambut ( 1 Prosiding Bengkel Kebangsaan Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan Tanah Gambut, 21-22 Februari, 1989,Pusat Latihan Mardi, Serdang / penyunting, Kamarudin bin Ambak, Aminuddin bin Yusoff dan Aini bte Zakaria. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Pemindahan Teknologi Perusahaan Kelapa Sawit: Masalah, K Prosiding Bengkel Pemindahan Teknologi Perusahaan Kelapa Sawit: Masalah, kehendak dan keutamaan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Penyelidikan Sistem Pengendalian Lepastuai Betik dan Cik Prosiding bengkel penyelidikan sistem pengendalian lepastuai betik dan ciku,12-15 Oktober, 1992 anjuran MARDI. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Penyelidikan Tembakau ( Ke 14 : 1992 : Pulau Langkawi). Prosiding bengkel penyelidikan tembakau ke-14 : kemajuan teknologi untuk meningkatkan mutu / penyunting Y. Musa ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Bengkel Penyelidikan Tembakau ( Ke 15 : 1993 : Kuala Terengganu) Prosiding bengkel penyelidikan tembakau ke-15 / penyunting Y. Musa ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]


Cluny, Wilhelmina and Chai, Paul P. K. and G. Pau, Madeline (2017) Transboundary management within the HoB landscape (Sarawak). [Conference or Proceeding]

Clem, Kuek (2017) A primer on project evaluation (How much can an idea be worth?). [Conference or Proceeding]

Che Dir, Zurina (2017) Bioeconomy Transformation Programme : Opportunities and incentives. [Conference or Proceeding]

Chan, Henry (2016) Maintaining forest connectivity through the Heart of Borneo corridor. [Conference or Proceeding]

Cordero, Sarah (2016) Lessons from Costa Rica’s PES Programme. [Conference or Proceeding]

Chung, Arthur Y.C. and M., Richard and L.Y., John and M., Roslee and I., Nurul Aqidah and A., Siti Zubaidah (2015) Insect diversity of Tundon Bohangin, Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Chan, Henry (2015) The Heart of Borneo Corridor Project : ensuring healthy watershed corridors for Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Cassells, David (2014) Conservation, cash or mere conversation? Experiences with translating environmental values into tangible income for key stakeholders. [Conference or Proceeding]

Crowe, Michael (2014) Policies and tools for achieving no net loss of biodiversity. [Conference or Proceeding]

Choong, Huey Jin (2014) Sustainable seeds supply of Malaysian rainforest tree species to support conservation initiatives in Peninsular Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Cosslett, Christopher E. (2011) REDD+ in a green economy : global perspectives and the case of Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Chadha, Sanjeev (2011) Sabah Forest Industries Sdn Bhd ; a proactive member of the HOB & contributor to Sabah's green economy. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Forestry and Forest Products Research 1999 ( 1999 (2000) Conference on forestry and forest products research 1999 : proceedings of the tropical forest harvesting : new technologies examined / editors Shamsudin Ibrahim, Nur Hajar Zamah Shari, Khoo Kean Choon. [Conference or Proceeding]

CAP and SAM's National Conference "State of the Malaysian Enviro (1997) State of the environment in Malaysia : a compilation of selected papers presented at the CAP-SAM National Conference State of the Malaysian Environment 5-9 January 1996, Penang. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Forestry and Forestry Products Research ( 3rd : 19 (1996) Forestry and Forest Products Research : Proceedings of theThird Conference: vol.1 / edited by Norhara Husssein ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Forestry and Forestry Products Research ( 3rd : 19 (1996) Forestry and Forest Products Research : Proceedings of theThird Conference: vol.2 / edited by Norhara Husssein ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Commonwealth Forestry Conference ( 14th : 1993 : Kuala Lumpur, M (1995) People, the environment and forestry - conflict or harmony : proceedings of the 14th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1993 / editors, Thang Hooi Chiew ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production ( 13th (1990) Resource utilization for livestock production in Malaysia : proceedings of the 13th annual conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production, Malacca, March 6-8, 1990 / editors Wan Zahari Mohamed ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Food Processing : Prelude to the 90's ( 1989 : Kua (1989) Food processing : issues and prospects : proceedings of a conference on food processing : prelude to the 90's, Kuala Lumpur 12-14 September 1989 / edited by Y. B. Che Man, M. N. B. Abdul Karim, B. A. Asbi. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production ( 12th (1989) Modernization in tropical livestock and poultry production : proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production Genting Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia, March 29-31, 1989 / editors; Engku Azahan Ahmad ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production ( 8th : (1986) Feeds and feeding systems for livestock : proceedings of the eight Annual Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production held at the Genting Highlands, March 13-14, 1984 / edited by Rudy I. Hutagalung ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production ( 8th : (1986) Feeds and feeding systems for livestock : proceedings of the eight Annual Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production held at the Genting Highlands, March 13-14, 1984 / edited by Rudy I. Hutagalung ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production ( 9th : (1985) Quality in livestock production : proceedings of the ninth annual... held at University Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, March 11-12, 1985 / ed. by S. Sivarajasingam, R.I. Hutagalung, Kassim Ahmad. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production ( 6th : (1983) The Malaysian livestock industries status and potential: proceedings of the sixth Annual Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production held on 10 & 11th August 1982 at Genting Highlands/ ed by R.H. Clarke, M. Pathmasingam, G. Sivasupramanium. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Trends in Applied Biology in South East Asia ( 197 (1979) (Papers): Conference on Trends in Applied Biology in South East Asia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Classification and Management of Tropical Soils ( (1977) (Papers presented at the Conference on Classification and Management of Tropical Soils, 15-20th August, 1977, Kuala Lumpur: vo.1/ sponsored by Malaysian Society of Soil Science). [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Classification and Management of Tropical Soils ( (1977) (Papers presented at the Conference on Classification and Management of Tropical Soils, 15-20th August, 1977, Kuala Lumpur: vol.2/ sponsored by Malaysian Society of Soil Science). [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Classification and Management of Tropical Soils ( (1977) (Papers presented at the Conference on Classification and Management of Tropical Soils, 15-20th August, 1977, Kuala Lumpur: vol.3 / sponsored by Malaysian Society of Soil Science). [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Classification and Management of Tropical Soils ( (1977) (Papers presented at the Conference on Classification and Management of Tropical Soils, 15-20th August, 1977, Kuala Lumpur: vol.5/ sponsored by Malaysian Society of Soil Science). [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Classification and Management of Tropical Soils ( (1977) (Papers presented at the Conference on Classification and Management of Tropical Soils, 15-20th August, 1977, Kuala Lumpurvol.4/ sponsored by Malaysian Society of Soil Science). [Conference or Proceeding]

Continuing Education Programme in Animal Health and Production ( (1976) The proceedings of the 4th Continuing Education Programme in Animal Health and Production, Serdang, Selangor 18-22 August, 1975 / edited by Syed Jalaludin ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Colloquium of the International Potash Institute ( 10th : 1973 : (1974) Potassium in tropical crops and soils : proceedings of the 10th Colloquium of the Institute Potash Institute held in December 1973 in Abidjan/Republic of Ivory Coast. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Crop Protection in Malaysia ( 1970 : Kuala Lumpur) (1971) Crop protection in Malaysia : the proceedings of the conference held in Kuala Lumpur, 15-17 Nov., 1970 / edited by R.L. Wastie and B.J. Wood. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Crop Diversification in Malaysia ( 1969 : Kuala Lu (1970) Crop diversification in Malaysia: proceedings of the conference/ edited by E.K. and J.W. Blencowe. [Conference or Proceeding]

Colloquium on Breeding and Selection for Clonal Oil Palms ( 1986 Proceedings : Colloquium on Breeding and Selection for Clonal Oil Palms / organised by the International Society for Oil Palm Breeders, 21 March 1986, Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Cocoa and Coconuts in Malaysia ( 1971 : Kuala Lump Proceedings : Conference on Cocoa and Coconuts in Malaysia ... / edited by R.L. Wastie and D.A. Earp. [Conference or Proceeding]

Conference on Chemistry and Fertility of Tropical Soils ( 1st : Proceedings [of the] Conference on Chemistry and Fertility of Tropical Soils, November 1973, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Colloqium on Rubberwood : Resources and Technologies ( 1998 : Ku Proceedings of the Colloqium on Rubberwood : Resources and Technologies, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, 23 March 1998 / edited by Abdul Rashid Ab. Malik, Lim Seng Choon. [Conference or Proceeding]

Colloquium on Rubberwood : Resources and Technologies ( 1998 : K Proceedings of the Colloquium on Rubberwood : Resources and Technologies, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, 23 March 1998 / edited by Abdul Rashid Abd. Malik, Lam Seng Choon. [Conference or Proceeding]

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Dzulkifli, Dzaeman (2017) Ex-situ solutions for conservation : tropical rainforest living collections & tropical rainforest seed bank. [Conference or Proceeding]

Deere, Nicolas J. and Guillera-Arriota, Gurutzeta and Reynolds, Glen and Baking, Esther L. and Bernard, Henry and Davies, Zoe and Struebig, Matt (2016) Do high carbon forests provide adequate refugia for tropical biodiversity? [Conference or Proceeding]

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Goosens, Benoit and Gardner, Penny C. and Lim, Hong Ye and Journeaux, Katie and Prosser, Naomi and Goon, Jocelyn Ee Wern (2017) Conservation and management of the endangered wild cattle banteng/tembadau (Bos javanicus lowi) : findings from the state-wide survey of Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

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Gamboa Lapitan, Portia and Jung, Oh Hyun (2005) Genetic conservation of Parashorea malaanonan (M. Blanco) Merr. in Mt. Makiling, Laguna, Philippines. [Conference or Proceeding]

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Haji Abu Bakar, Mohamad (2017) The potential of ecotourism activities within the Telupid Forest Reserve Complex. [Conference or Proceeding]

Hovani, Lex (2016) How can a Jurisdictional Green Growth Program help to ensure effective conservation? [Conference or Proceeding]

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Hydroponic Culture of High Value Crops in the Tropics ( 1990 : S (1990) [Working papers of the] International Culture of High Value Crops in the Tropics, 25-27 November 1990, PPPL UPM, Serdang, Selangor. [Conference or Proceeding]

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International Conference on the Straits of Malacca ( 1999 : Mala (2000) Towards sustainable management of the Straits of Malacca : proceedings of the International Conference on the Straits of Malacca, 19-22 April 1999, Malacca, Malaysia / editors M. Shariff ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

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International Energy Conference ( 2nd : 1992 : Kuala Lumpur). (1994) Energy from biomass residues : proceedings of the second international energy conference held at Kuala Lumpur on 17-19 August 1992 / Forest Research Institute Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

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International Conference on Plant Protection in the Tropics ( 4t (1994) Plant protection in the Tropics : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Plant Protection in the Tropics / editors: A. Rajan, Yusof Ibrahim. [Conference or Proceeding]

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International Seminar Workshop on Botany 2000 Asia ( 1994 : Mala (1994) The taxonomy and phytochemistry of the asclepiadaceae in tropical Asia : proceedings of ..., Malacca June 1994 / edited by Ruth Kiew. [Conference or Proceeding]

ISOPB International Workshop on Genotypoe - Environment Interact (1993) Genotype-environment interaction studies in perennial tree crops : proceedings of the ISOPB International Workshop on Genotype-Environment Interaction Studies in Perennial Tree Crops, 12-13th September, 1991, K.L. Hilton, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

International Rubber Technology Conference ( 1993 : Kuala Lumpur (1993) Natural rubber : current developments in product manufacture and applications: a report of the proceedings of the Internatinal Rubber Technology Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 14 to 16 June 1993, organised by the Rubber Research Institute. [Conference or Proceeding]

International Seminar and Workshop on the Taxonomy and Phytochem (1993) Programme and abstracts : proceedings ..., 15-17 November 1993 Universiti Pertanian Malaysia / compiled by Ruth Kiew, Ahmad Abd. Rahman, Janet Anthonysamy. [Conference or Proceeding]

International Horticultural Conference ( 1990 : Serdang, Malaysi (1992) Recent advances in horticultural science in the tropics : proceedings of the International Horticultural Conference, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 7-9 August, 1990 / editors, Wan Mohamed Wan Othman ... [et al]. [Conference or Proceeding]

International Symposium on Fruit Flies in the Tropics ( 1988 : K (1991) Fruit flies in the tropics : proceedings of the First International Symposium 14-16 March 1988, Kuala Lumpur / edited by S.Vijaysegaran and A.G. Ibrahim. [Conference or Proceeding]

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International Sago Symposium ( 4th : 1990 : Kuching). (1991) Towards greater advancement of the sago industry in the '90s : proceedings ... / Ng Thai-Tsiung ... [et al.], chief editors. [Conference or Proceeding]

International Symposium On Tropical Peatland ( 1991 : Kuching, S (1991) Tropical peat : proceedings of the International Symposium on Tropical Peatland 6-10 May, 1991 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia / chief editor B.Y. Aminuddin ; editors S.L. Tan...[et al]. [Conference or Proceeding]

International Conference on Forest Biology and Conservation in B (1990) Forest biology and conservation in Borneo : a bibliography : prepared in conjunction with the International conference of forest biology and conservation in Borneo July 30-Aug. 3, 1990 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah / Kee Kum Ping, chief editor/compiler ; compilers. [Conference or Proceeding]

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International Conference and Exibition on Orchids and Ornamental (1990) Orchids and ornamental plants in ASEAN : proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition on Orchids and Ornamental Plants, August 22-28, 1990, Kuala Lumpur / editor, Dr. Helen Nair. [Conference or Proceeding]

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Jabatan Perikanan Sabah, . Assessment of coastal fisheries in the Malaysian-Sabah portion of the Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion (SSME). [Conference or Proceeding]

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Josue, James and Imiyabir, Zamrie Mangrove timber – potential as flooring material. [Conference or Proceeding]

Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Negeri Sembilan, . Perkongsian Amalan Baik Perbadanan Pengurusan(MC) Strata. [Conference or Proceeding]

Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa, . Prosiding Rancangan Korporat Jabatan 2019. [Conference or Proceeding]

JABATAN LANDSKAP NEGARAKementerian Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumah Incheon 2009 : International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) Asia Pasific Region Congress - Laporan Persidangan Incheon 2009 - Bahagian 1. [Conference or Proceeding]

JABATAN LANDSKAP NEGARAKementerian Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumah Incheon 2009 : International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) Asia Pasific Region Congress - Laporan Persidangan Incheon 2009 - Bahagian 2. [Conference or Proceeding]

JABATAN LANDSKAP NEGARAKementerian Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumah Incheon 2009 : International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) Asia Pasific Region Congress - Laporan Persidangan Incheon 2009 - Bahagian 3. [Conference or Proceeding]


Kavanagh, Mikaail (2017) The Heart of Borneo : an idea that grew. [Conference or Proceeding]

Kugan, Frederick (2017) HoB Sabah : providing platform for innovative conservation initiatives. [Conference or Proceeding]

Kretzschmar, Petra and Risch, Robert (2017) Securing, restoring and connecting habitat for large mammals in Sabah, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Kitching, Roger (2015) Fragmentation, connectvity, conservation : the S.A.F.E. experiment in context. [Conference or Proceeding]

K. Hill, Jane (2015) Habitat connectivity and climate change. [Conference or Proceeding]

Kleine, Michael (2015) Multipurpose landscape assessments : meeting international/national planning and reporting standards – can we do better? [Conference or Proceeding]

Kitayama, Kanehiro and Imai, Nobuo and Fujiki, Shogoro and Titin, Jupiri and Kurniawan, Yuyun and Chung, Arthur and Nilus, Reuben and Ong, Robert and Samejima, Hiromitsu and Aoyagi, Ryota and Lee, Yin Fah and Mannan, Sam (2014) Bornean FMUs BOLEH (Biodiversity Observation for Land and Ecosystem Health). [Conference or Proceeding]

Khoo, Eyen and Maycock, Colin R. and Majapun, Richard and Nilus, Reuben and Sugau, John B. (2014) Dipterocarps: IUCN Red List assessment. [Conference or Proceeding]

Kitayama, Kanehiro (2012) Biodiversity and the sustainability of managed forests: what are the linkages? [Conference or Proceeding]

Kandasamy, K. I. and A. R., Siti Suhaila and A. A., Rosilah (2005) Micropropagation of Shorea leprosula (meranti tembaga) using a temporary immersion system (RITA system). [Conference or Proceeding]

Kursus Aspek-aspek Sosial dalam Pembagunan Tanah 1975 Universiti (1975) (Papers presented at the Course, held at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, 4-8 November, 1975). [Conference or Proceeding]

Komite Bersama Indonesia-Malaysia Mengenai Perikanan ( 1st : 196 (1969) (Proceedings) : sidang pertama Komite Bersama Indonesia-Malaysia mengenai Perikanan, Djakarta, 4-7 Agustus 1969. [Conference or Proceeding]

Kollert, Walter & Lagan, Peter Do Certified Tropical Logs Fetch a Market Premium? A Comparative Price Analysis from Sabah, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]


Loong, Yeong Kok (2017) Impacts of forest fragmentation on dipterocarp recruitment in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lee, Kian Foh (2017) Importance of ecosystem conservation for ecotourism development. [Conference or Proceeding]

Laurance, William F. (2017) Optimising human needs, infrastructure and forest conservation in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lasimbang, Anne (2017) Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCA) in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lim, Darline and Ahmad,, Berhaman and Maycock, Colin and Ulsted, Ulrik and Tay, John (2016) Does forest restoration lead to increased seedling recruitment? [Conference or Proceeding]

Lasimbang, Yoggie and Chin, Lingit (2016) From conflict to harmony, the cultural side of conservation : stories & lessons from community engagement in Telupid & Penampang. [Conference or Proceeding]

Leduning, Melissa and Drewer, Julia and Anderson, Margaret and Skiba, Ute and Sentian, Justin (2016) The impact of landuse change on soil greenhouse gas fluxes. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lee, Kian Foh (2016) Conservation finance : options for Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lopez, Valentin (2016) How the Amah Mutsun tribe of California is protecting & healing mother earth through traditional knowledge & partnerships. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lasimbang, Jannie (2016) Indigenous wisdom in conservation : what science and policy need to recognise. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lahasing, Guslia and Ignatius, Rita and Anton, Ann (2015) Kota Kinabalu Wetlands towards its Ramsar status. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lip, Belinda (2015) Approaches and tools for sustainable watershed management : case examples from WWF. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lucey, Jen and Hill, Jane and van der Meer, Peter and Agama, Agnes and Reynolds, Glen (2015) Are RSPO standards delivering sustainability? The SEnSOR Programme. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lucey, Jennifer and Hill, Jane and Reynolds, Glen (2015) New outputs from SEnSOR : gaining co-benefits for biodiversity and carbon storage within plantations. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lackman, Isabelle (2015) Orang-utan on the edge : fragmented sanctuary and wildlife corridors in the lower Kinabatangan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lasimbang, Yoggie and Abram, Nicky (2015) Telupid living landscape. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lowman, Margaret (2015) Watershed : from forest floor to canopy. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lawton, Jane (2014) The critical role of protected areas. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lintangah, Walter and Jilimin, Werfred and Lidadun, Peter Maurice and Empah, Peter Jack (2014) Forest law enforcement & mitigation of forest offences in Sabah: Lessons learnt. [Conference or Proceeding]

Liam, Jack and Daan, Azman and Suhaili, Affendi and Odau, Asan and Osman, Syafiani and Buang, Zaidi and Ali, Nazari and Anoi, Abdul Rahman (2014) Keberkesanan tinjauan udara & operasi bersama dengan agensi penguatkuasa yang lain dalam penguatkuasaan hutan di Sarawak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lajanga, Jarry K. (2014) A study on tourism potential and development in Tongod, Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Laurance, William (2013) Lessons from research for sustainable development & conservation in the Heart of Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lye, Geoffrey Brian (2013) Sabah and biosphere economy : re-shaping market for the protection & enhancement of biodiversity & ecosystem services. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lian Pin, Koh (2013) Unmanned aerial vehicles for biodiversity research and conservation. [Conference or Proceeding]

Land Development Seminar ( 1982 : Kuching, Sarawak). (1982) Papers presented at the Land Development Seminar, March 26 to 27, 1982, Petra Jaya, Kuching, Sarawak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda (MADA) Persidangan Mangga Kebangsaan 2013 (MADA) Peranan Kementerian Dalam Agro-Pelancongan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda (MADA) Persidangan Mangga Kebangsaan 2013 (MADA)Penerimaan Jepun Terhadap Mangga Harumanis. [Conference or Proceeding]

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Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda (MADA) Persidangan Mangga Kebangsaan 2013 (MADA)Peningkatan Produktivitas dan Kualitas Mangga Komersial Indonesia Melalui Pemuliaan dan Pengelolaan Tanaman. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda (MADA) Persidangan Mangga Kebangsaan 2013 (MADA)Potensi Mangga di Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda (MADA) Persidangan Mangga Kebangsaan 2013 (MADA)Potensi Spesis Mangifera (Anarcardiaceae) Selain Mangga Yang Dikomersialkan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda (MADA) Persidangan Mangga Kebangsaan 2013 (MADA)Status Ekonomi dan Strategi Kerajaan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda (MADA) Persidangan Mangga Kebangsaan 2013 (MADA)Status masa kini dan perancangan masa depan mangga di Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Landscape seminar "Trend and Prospects of Landscape Architecture Proceedings of Landscape Seminar : trend and prospect of landscape architecture in Malaysia, 18 Jun 1986 / edited by Mustafa Kamal bin Mohd. Shariff, Noorizan bte Mohamed, Nordin bin Abdul Rahman. [Conference or Proceeding]


Md Hassan, Ruhaidah (2019) Hazard and operability study for sewerage works. [Conference or Proceeding]

Martin, Roberta (2017) CAO science. [Conference or Proceeding]

Mogirong, Djuanis (2017) Homestay program - benefit to the local community in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Matunjau, Christopher A. and Kugan, Frederick (2017) Restoration of peatland in Sabah – challenges and the way forward. [Conference or Proceeding]

Matsuda, Ikki and Abram, Nicola K. and Stark, Danica J. and Sha, John C. M. and Ancrenaz, Marc and Goossens, Benoit and Kubo, Takuya and Tuuga, Augustine (2016) Conservation of proboscis monkeys in the Lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Milne, Sol (2016) Novel methods for surveying biodiversity and carbon in the UNDP-GEF project area. [Conference or Proceeding]

Mohd Din, Norlina and Martin, Ricky Alisky (2016) Participatory Land Use Planning a tool for area selection to participate in forest related financing schemes. [Conference or Proceeding]

Mitchell, S. and Davies, Z. and Edwards, D. and Bernard, H. and Struebig, M. (2016) The value of Riparian Reserves in oil palm landscapes for birds. [Conference or Proceeding]

M.J, Marcie Elene (2016) Financing conservation within oil palm plantation : providing potential viable habitat for wildlife in Sabahmas Riparian Reserve. [Conference or Proceeding]

Megat Ahmad Supian, Megat Sany (2016) National Conservation Trust Fund for Natural Resources (NCTF) - towards financing conservation, sustainability and challenges. [Conference or Proceeding]

Meyers, David (2016) Where’s the money? Practical biodiversity finance. [Conference or Proceeding]

Majid Cooke, Fadzilah (2015) Where are the people in the Ramsar Wetlands of the Lower Kinabatangan and Segama Rivers of Sabah? [Conference or Proceeding]

Majid Cooke, Fadzilah (2015) Contribution of environmental sociology to the watershed corridors conservation in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

MacNair, Glen (2014) Merica’s experience and perspectives on no net loss : a forest owner’s view. [Conference or Proceeding]

Mohd. Jaini, Mashor and Salleh, Musa and Anthony, Rosila and Abd Sani., Samit (2014) Bridging conservation and sustainable forestry to shape the future of forest management in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Mahmud, Nor Akhirrudin and Abdullah, Mohd Radhi Chu and Yaacob, Asiah and Abdullah, Muhammad Umar (2014) Kepentingan dan sumbangan pelaksanaan pensijilan pengurusan hutan menggunakan standard MC&I (hutan asli) untuk amalan Pengurusan Hutan Secara Berkekalan (PHSB) di Semenanjung Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Mannan, Sam (2014) Keynote address by Director of Sabah Forestry Department, Datuk Sam Mannan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Matunjau, Christopher A. and Ali, Nurzaili (2014) Klias Field Centre and environmental education – enhancing public awareness on peat swamp management and conservation. [Conference or Proceeding]

Mat, Ramli (2014) Pendekatan penglibatan swasta di dalam penubuhan ladang hutan komersial di Semenanjung Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Martin, Ricky Alisky and Kumaran, Sanath and Tuzan, Ronald (2014) Pilot Malaysia-EU REDD+ projects in Sabah : tackling climate change through sustainable forest management and community development. [Conference or Proceeding]

Mohammad, Lydia Suzieana (2014) Quantification and economic valuation of carbon stock in the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve in Perak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Mazlena Mazlan, . (2014) Managing Malaysia's Urbanising Challenge. [Conference or Proceeding]

Meijaard, Erik and Ancrenaz, Marc (2013) Borneo future initiative : a project update and future plans. [Conference or Proceeding]

Maycock, Colin (2013) Dipterocarp endemism in the Heart Of Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Maddox, Thomas (2013) The role for NGOs in delivering the Heart of Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Majid Cooke, Fadzilah (2012) Local community inclusion and conservation outcomes, is there a future for Sabah? [Conference or Proceeding]

Manurung, Rita and Abdullah, Zaliha C. and Ahmad, Fasihuddin Badruddin and Kuek, Clem (2008) Biodiversity-biotechnology : gateway to discoveries, sustainable utilization and wealth creation. [Conference or Proceeding]

Manjaji Matsumoto, B. Mabel (2005) Taxonomic notes on fishes of the Lower Kinabatangan-Segama Wetlands (LKSW), Ramsar Site. [Conference or Proceeding]

Mohammad Na'iem, . and Raharjo, Pamuji and Wardhana, Eka Kusdiandra (2005) Early genetic information of Shorea leprosula miq. Half-sib progeny test in Nanga Nuak, Pt. Sari Bumi Kusuma, Central Kalimatan. [Conference or Proceeding]

M., Patahayah and Lee, S. S. (2005) Effect of trimming and mycorrhizal inoculation on the growth of Hopea odorata rooted cuttings. [Conference or Proceeding]

Mohamad, Aminuddin and Tahir, Jameri (2005) Potential of wildlings of Parashorea malaanonan as planting stock. [Conference or Proceeding]

Millet, Jérôme (2005) Reforestation of Dipterocarp forests on denuded area of Cat Tien National Park in Dong Nai Province, Viet Nam. [Conference or Proceeding]

Md Noor, Hashim and K., Baskaran and Ab Ghani, Ab Rasip and Wathern, Peter (2005) The response of Hopea Odorata seedlings to canopy gaps in two contrasting forest sites in Peninsular Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Food Handling ( 33rd: 1994 (1994) Report of the thirty-third meeting of the ASEAN sub-committee on food handling 19-22 July 1994, Bandung, Indonesia. [Conference or Proceeding]

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Malaysian Symposium on Palm Oil in the U.S.A. ( 1987 : Kuala Lum (1987) Papers presented at the Malaysian Symposium on Palm Oil in the U.S.A. / organised by Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, Ministry of Primary Industries, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian Microbiology Symposium ( 9th : 1986 : Universiti Perta (1986) Ninth Malaysian Microbiology Symposium, 22-23 August 1986, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia: programme and abstracts/ organized by Malaysian Society for Microbiology and Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian Timber Marketing Conference 1983 Kuala Lumpur. (1983) Opportunities & challanges in market revival : proceedings (of) Malaysian Timber Marketing Conference, 6 & 7th December, 1983, Kuala Lumpur Hilton. [Conference or Proceeding]

Meeting of the National Soil Correlation Sub-Committee 2nd 1981 (1981) Transactions of the Second Meeting of the National Soil Correlation Sub-Committee Sabah, 20-24 April 1981/ edited by S. Paramananthan. [Conference or Proceeding]

MARDI Senior Officers Annual Conference ( 1979 : MARDI, Serdang) (1980) Research in the development of smallholder farming systems : a report of the proceedings of the MARDI Senior Officers Annual Conference, 1979 held in MARDI, Serdang, Selangor from 11-13 December, 1979 / edited by Hashim A. Wahab ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian Microbiology Symposium ( 3rd : 1980 : Universiti Perta (1980) Third Malaysian Microbiology Symposium, 15-17 Oct., 1980, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor: programme and abstracts/ sponsored by the Malaysian Society for Microbiology and Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian Seminar on the Fertility and Management of Deforested (1979) The proceedings of the Malaysian Seminar on the Fertility and Management of Deforested Land and the sixth Meeting on the Standardisation of Soil and Plant Analyses in Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, May 1979 / edited by Henry T.L. Liau. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian International Agricultural Oil-Palm Conference ( 1976 (1977) International developments in oil palm : proceedings / edited by D.A. Earp & W. Newall. [Conference or Proceeding]

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MARDI Plant Breeding Workshop ( 1976 : Kuala Lumpur). (1976) (Working papers): MARDI Plant Breeding Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, 1976. [Conference or Proceeding]

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Malaysian Forestry Conference ( 3rd : 1970 : Kuching, Sarawak). (1970) Papers presented at the Third Pan Malaysian Forestry Conference, Sarawak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian Oil Palm Conference 2nd 1968 Kuala Lumpur. (1969) Progress in oil palm : proceedings/ edited by P.D. Turner. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian Oil Palm Conference 3rd 1969 Kuala Lumpur. (1969) The quality and marketing of oil palm products : proceedings of a symposium/ edited by P.D. Turner. [Conference or Proceeding]

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Mohd Noor, Nazily Green technology policy : towards a low-carbon economy. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian Forestry Conference ( 9th : 1986 : Kuching, Sarawak). Forests : our national heritage : proceedings of the 9th Malaysian Forestry Conference = [Laporan Persidangan Perhutanan Malaysia Ke9] 13-20 October 1986 / editor Lee Hua Seng. [Conference or Proceeding]

Mesyuarat Agung dan Konvensyen Persatuan Kebangsaan Pekebun-Peke [Kertas kerja] Mesyuarat Agung dan Konvensyen Persatuan Kebangsaan Pekebun-Pekebun Kecil Malaysia, 12hb.-13hb. November 1977 di Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian International Cocoa Conference ( 4th : 2005 : Kuala Lu Proceedings 4th Malaysian International Cocoa Conference : sustainable cocoa economy through increase in productivity, efficiency and quality, Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18-19 July 2005 / editors, Denamany, G. ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

MOPGC Symposia on Treatment and Disposal of Palm Oil Mill Efflue Proceedings of 3 MOPGC Symposia on Treatment and Disposal of Palm Oil Mill Effluent. [Conference or Proceeding]

MRELB International Marketing Conference 1975 Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings of MRELB International Marketing Conference 1975. [Conference or Proceeding]

Melalap Scientific Expedition ( 2004 : Sabah). Proceedings of Melalap Scientific Expedition / edited by Maryati Mohamed, Nurhuda Manshoor, Akira Takahashi. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian Biochemical Society Conference 10th 1984 Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings of the 10th Malaysian Biochemical Society Conference, 10-11 Sept. 1984/ edited by Iekhsan Othman and Lim Soo Thye. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian Forestry Conference ( 8th : 1982 : Sandakan, Sabah). Proceedings of the Eighth Malaysian Forestry Conference, 2nd-8th August 1982 at the Forest Department Headquarters, Sandakan, Sabah: vol.I. [Conference or Proceeding]

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MARDI-MAPPS Seminar on Eksotika Papaya : Problems and Prospects Proceedings of the MARDI-MAPPS seminar on eksotika papaya : problems and prospects, 7-8 March 1989, Johor Bahru / editors, Y.K. Chan, P. Raveendranathan ; organized by MARDI, MAPPS. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian Maize and Sorghum Co-ordination and Improvement Worksh Proceedings of the Malaysian Maize and Sorghum Co-ordination and Improvement Workshop held in November, 1969 at the Federal Experiment Station, Serdang, Sungai Besi, Selangor/ editor, Goh Pek Ean. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian Biochemical Society Conference 4th 1977 Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings of the fourth Malaysian Biochemical Society Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, on 12-13th August 1977/ edited by Yeoh Hock Hin and Khor Hun Teik. [Conference or Proceeding]

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Malaysian Society of Soil Science ( 2015 : Putrajaya ). Proceedings of the soil science conference of Malaysia 2015 : Soil Security for Sustainable Food Production, Putrajaya, April 6-9, 2015 / editors Che Fauziah Ishak ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Malaysian Agricultural Research Management and Casewriting Semin Proceedings: Malaysian Agricultural Research Management and Case writing .../ editorial committee, Hashim bin Hj. Abd. Wahab ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Mohd. Nordin Mohd. Som. Processing of canned coconut milk and coconut butter/ Mohd. Nordin Mohd. Som, Adinan Husin and Mohd. Hashim Hassan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Muhammad Ismail Abdullah. Processing system and operational requirements for a small fish cannery/ MOhd. Ismail Abdullah. [Conference or Proceeding]


Newbery, David M. (2016) 30 yr Danum : the dynamics of a primary rainforest. [Conference or Proceeding]

Naruse, Tohru and Arthur, Y. C. Chung and Tangah, Joseph (2015) Decapod crustaceans in the mangrove ecosystems around Sandakan and Lower Kinabatangan-Segama Wetlands, Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Nainar, Anand and Bidin, Kawi and Walsh, Rory P. D. (2015) Variations in suspended sediment dynamics of catchments of differing land-use in the catchments of the SAFE Project, Sabah (North Borneo). [Conference or Proceeding]

Nilus, Reuben and Sugau, John. B. and Pereira, Joan T. and Sabran, Suzana and Anthony, Rosila (2015) The forest ecosystems of Sabah Ramsar Wetland. [Conference or Proceeding]

Nilus, Reuben and Pereira, Joan T. and Chung, Arthur Y. C. and Sugau, John B. and Sabran, Suzana and Prudente, Cede and Kugan, Frederick (2013) Biodiversity inventory in the Heart of Borneo (HoB), Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Nais, Jamili and Lakim, Maklarin (2013) Scientific research, ecotourism and protected area management : Sabah parks experience within the Heart of Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Novianto, Andi (2011) Indonesia’s perpectives on the concept of green economy in the Heart of Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Nillson, Sten (2011) The forest sector in a green economy. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seed Symposium (5th : 2008 : Serdang, Selangor). (2008) Current trends toward quality planting materials : proceedings of the 5th National Seed Symposium, 11-12 March 2008 / editors Uma Rani Sinniah ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Natural Products ( 16th : 2000 : Serdang). (2001) Interdisciplinary approaches in natural products research : proceedings of the 16th National Seminar on Natural Products, 24-25 October 2000 / edited by Mawardi Rahmani ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

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National Symposium on Fermentation Technology ( 1992 : Subang, S (1992) Fermentation in food and agricultural biotechnology : proceedings of the National Seminar of the Fermentation Technology 26-27 Aug. 1992, Hyatt Saujana, Subang. [Conference or Proceeding]

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National Seminar on Ceramic Technology ( 1st : 1989 : Ipoh). (1990) Seramik '89 : proceedings of the First National Seminar on Ceramic Technology, Ipoh, Malaysia, 21-23 February 1989 / edited by Radzali Othman ; organised by The School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Workshop on Plant Genetic Resources ( 1988 : Subang Jay (1989) Genetic resources of under-utilised plants in Malaysia : proceedings of the National Workshop on Plant Genetic Resoures held in Subang Jaya, Malaysia 23 November, 1988 / edited by A. H. Zakri. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Workshop on the Tropical Forestry Action Plan for Malay (1988) Papers presented at National Workshop on the Tropical Forestry Action Plan for Malaysia, 11-12 July 1988, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Rice Conference ( 2nd : 1986 : Mardi, Serdang). (1987) 'Ke arah Peningkatan Daya Pengeluaran Industri Padi': proceedings of the National Rice Conference 1986, January 20-22, 1986/ edited by Mohamad bin Osman, Hashim bin Harun. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Recent Advances on Soil and Water Management (1987) Recent advances on soil and water management in Malaysian agriculture : proceedings of the National Seminar on ... / edited by Lim Kim Huan and Jamal Talib. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Conference on Pepper in Malaysia ( 1985 : Kuching). (1986) Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in Malaysia: proceedings of the National Conference on Pepper in Malaysia 16-17th December 1985 Kuching, Malaysia/ edited by C.F.J. Bong, M.S. Saad. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Conference on Soil-Climate Relationships on Crop Produc (1986) Soil-climate relationships on crop production in Malaysia : proceedings of the National Conference ... , 14th May, 1985, Kuala Lumpur / edited by Mok Chak Kim, Lim Kim Huan & Azmi Mat Akhir. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Land Information System ( 1984 : Kuala Lumpu (1984) (Papers presented at the National Seminar on Land Information System held on December 3 & 4th 1984, Kuala Lumpur). [Conference or Proceeding]

National Symposium on Engineering Towards Progressive Agricultur (1983) Engineering towards progressive agriculture : proceeding of a National Symposium at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 22-23th Sept. 1983/ editors Fakhrul Razi Ahmadun ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

National Rice Conference ( 1980 : Mardi, Serdang). (1980) Research for the rice farmer : proceedings of the National Rice Conference. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Timber Congress ( 2nd : 1979 : Kuala Lumpur). (1979) Papers presented at the 2nd National Timber Congress, 12-14th March, 1979, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Ng, Choong Sooi. (1977) International rubber markets : their role in the rubber trade / Ng Choong Sooi and B.C. Sekhar. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Workshop on Improvement of Fertilizer Marketing For Sma (1977) Working papers of the National Workshop on Improvement of Fertilizer Marketing For Small Farmers, 28-30th March, 1977, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Timber Congress ( 1976 : Kuala Lumpur). (1976) Papers presented at the National Timber Congress, Kuala Lumpur, 8-10 Nov. 1976: pt.1. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Timber Congress ( 1976 : Kuala Lumpur). (1976) Papers presented at the National Timber Congress, Kuala Lumpur, 8-10 Nov. 1976: pt.2. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Workshop Extension Research & Evaluation ( 1974 : Serda (1974) Report on First National Workshop Extension Research & Evaluation, 3-14 June 1974, Serdang / compiled by Alang Perang Abd. Rahman Zainuddin. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Workshop Extension Research and Evaluation ( 1st : 1974 (1974) Report on First National Workshop Extension Research and Evaluation, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 1974 / compiled by Alang Perang Abd. Rahman Zainuddin. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Agricultural Marketing Seminar ( 1967 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings (of the) National Agricultural Marketing Seminar, Kuala Lumpur, 1967. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Workshop on under Utilised Timbers ( 1983 : Kuala Lumpu Proceedings (of) National Workshop on under Utilised Timbers, 15 & 16th August 1983, Merlin Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Water Management and Control at Farm Level ( Proceedings : National Seminar on Water Management and Control at Farm Level .../ edited by Cheong Chup Lim, Khoo Soo Hock, S. Thamutaram. [Conference or Proceeding]

Natural Rubber Conference 1968 Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings : Natural Rubber Conference, pt.1, Kuala Lumpur, 28-5 September 1968. [Conference or Proceeding]

Natural Rubber Conference 1968 Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings : Natural Rubber Conference, pt.2, Kuala Lumpur, 28-5 September 1968. [Conference or Proceeding]

Natural Rubber Research Conference ( 1960 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaya Proceedings : Natural Rubber Research Conference, 26 September - 1 October 1960, sponsored by the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya with the support of the Government of the Federation of Malaya and the Rubber Producers' Council of the Federation of Mal. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar Palm Oil Milling, Refining, Environment and Qua Proceedings of 2010 National Seminar Palm Oil Milling, Refining, Environment and Quality (POMREQ), 27 ? 28 September 2010, Magellan Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah / organised by Malaysian Palm Oil Board. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Safety & Health in the Timber Industry ( 199 Proceedings of National Seminar on Safety & Health in the Timber Industry 5&6 November 1996 at Kuching, Sarawak. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Workshop on Fire and Timber in Modern Building Design ( Proceedings of National Workshop on Fire and Timber in Modern Building Design, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, 18 & 19 July 1995 / editors Abdul Rashid Ab. Malik ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

National Workshop on Oil Palm By-Product Utilization ( 1981 : Ku Proceedings of National Workshop on Oil Palm By-Product Utilization/ organised by Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia and Malaysian Oil Palm Growers' Council, 14-15 December 1981, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Palm Oil Extraction Rate: Problems and Issue Proceedings of The National Seminar on Palm Oil Extraction Rate : Problems and Issues, 21-22 Dec.1993 / Edited by Ariffin Darus and B.S Jalani. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Management And Utilization of Industrial Was Proceedings of a National Seminar at UPM 13-14 September 1984: pt.1 / editors Sk. Abdus Salam, Azni Hj Idris, Fakhru'l-Razi Ahmadun. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Management And Utilization of Industrial Was Proceedings of a National Seminar at UPM 13-14 September 1984: pt.2 / editors Sk. Abdus Salam, Azni Hj Idris, Fakhru'l-Razi Ahmadun. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Symposium on Clinical Nutrition ( 1994 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the 1st national symposium on clinical nutrition, 28-30 March 1994 / editors Tee E Siong and Cavalli-Sforza. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on ISO 14000 Series of Environmental Management Proceedings of the 2000 3rd National Seminar on ISO 14000 Series of Environmental Management Standards for Palm Oil and Related Industries, 10 August 2000 / edited by Jalani Sukaimi, Ariffin Darus and Chan Kook Weng. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on ISO 14000 Series of Environmental Management Proceedings of the 2nd National Seminar on ISO 14000 Series of Environmental Management Standards for Palm Oil and Related Industries, 3 August, 1999. [Conference or Proceeding]

Nutrition Society of Malaysia Scientific Conference ( 2nd : 1987 Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific Conference organised by Persatuan Pemakanan Malaysia, 28 February 1987, Kuala Lumpur / editors Tee E. Siong, Chong Yoon Hin, Mohd Ismail Noor. [Conference or Proceeding]

Nutrition Society of Malaysia Scientific Conference ( 4th : 1989 Proceedings of the 4th Scientific Conference, 18th March 1989, Kuala Lumpur / editors, Mohd. Ismail Noor ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

National seminar on ISO 14000 series of enviromental management Proceedings of the 6th national seminar on ISO 14000 series of enviromental management systems standards, 19 December 2007, conference hall, MPOB, Head Office, Bangi, Selangor / organized by Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), Ministry of Plantation Indusrie. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Banana Seminar ( 1st : 1998 : Awana Genting,Pahang). Proceedings of the First National Banana Seminar, November 23-25, 1998, Awana Genting, Pahang, Malaysia / editors Zakaria Wahab ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Agricultural Research Management Seminar ( 1976 : Unive Proceedings of the National Agricultural Research Management Seminar, 1976, Kuala Lumpur : a report of the proceedings of the National Agricultural Research Management Seminar, 1976, held at the Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur from 26-30 April. [Conference or Proceeding]

National IRPA (Intensification of Research in Priority Areas) Se Proceedings of the National IRPA (Intensification of Research in Priority Areas) Seminar (Agriculture Sector), Kuala Lumpur, 6-11 January 1992 / editors Y.W. Ho. ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

National IRPA (Intensification of Research in Priority Areas) Se Proceedings of the National IRPA (Intensification of Research in Priority Areas) Seminar (Agriculture Sector), Kuala Lumpur, 6-11 January 1992 / editors Y.W. Ho. ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

National IRPA (Intensification of Research in Priority Areas) Se Proceedings of the National IRPA (Intensification of Research in Priority Areas) Seminar (Agriculture Sector), Kuala Lumpur, 6-11 January 1992 / editors Y.W. Ho. ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Plant Tissue Culture Symposium ( 1975 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the National Plant Tissue Culture Symposium, 1975, Kuala Lumpur/ edited by J.C. Rajarao and K. Paranjothy. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Commodities ( 1986 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the National Seminar on Commodities, 21-24 April 1986, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Integrated Production of Temperate Cut Flowe Proceedings of the National Seminar on Integrated Production of Temperate Cut Flower, 27-30 June, 1995, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia / edited by Zaharah Hasan ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Oil Palm Trunk & Other Palmwood Utilization Proceedings of the National Seminar on Oil Palm trunk & Other Palmwood Utilization, 4-5 March 1991, Kuala Lumpur / edited by Khoo Kean Choon...[et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Opportunities for Maximizing Production thro Proceedings of the National Seminar on Opportunities for Maximizing Production through Better OER and Offshore Investment in Oil Palm / edited by Ariffin Darus ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Seminar on Palm Oil Milling, Refining Technology and Qu Proceedings of the National Seminar on Palm Oil Milling, Refining Technology and Quality, 7-8 August 1997, Shangri-La's Tanjung Aru Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah / edited by Andy Chang Kwong Choong. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Symposium on Oil Palm By - Products for Agro-Based Indu Proceedings of the National Symposium on Oil Palm By-Products for Agro-Based Industries. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Vegetable Workshop ( 1985 : MARDI, Serdang). Proceedings of the National Vegetable Workshop, 12-13 August 1985 held at MARDI, Serdang / organizer: Miscellaneous Crops Research Division, MARDI, Serdang. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Workshop on Latex and Latex Products ( 1983 : Kuala Lum Proceedings of the National Workshop on Latex and Latex Products, 1983, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Natural Rubber Technology Seminar ( 1978 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the Natural Rubber Technology Seminar, 1978, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

National Conference on the Development of Resource-Based Industr Proceedings of the conference held at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia Campus, Serdang, Selangor from August 10-12 1981 / edited by Mohd. Ismail Ahmad and Maisom Abdullah. [Conference or Proceeding]


Ong, Robert C. (2017) Forest landscape restoration in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Ong, Cyntia (2017) Sabah RSPO Jurisdiction Certification : the smallholder challenge. [Conference or Proceeding]

Ong, Jin Eong (2016) A mangrove-centric view of wetlands for future sustainable use in Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Othman, Khairunnisa and Pungga, Runi Sylvester and Kerman, Karin and Drahman, Hasbi (2014) Preliminary study on the conservation of Paphiopedilum sanderianum (RCHB. F.) stein of Gunung Mulu National Park. [Conference or Proceeding]

Ong, Kian Huat and Lim, Meng Tsai and Senin, Abdul Latib (2005) Growth and photosynthetic rate responses of Shorea platyclados seedlings to nitrogen application. [Conference or Proceeding]

Onate, Burton T. (1973) Workshop on the collection of rice production statistics : toward improvement of rice statistics in the Asean region, 19-12 September 1973, Kuala Lumpur / by Burton t. Onate. [Conference or Proceeding]

Omar Bin Yaakob Marine Renewable Energy Initiatives in Malaysia and South-East Asia. [Conference or Proceeding]


PPB Group Berhad, . (2022) PPB Group Berhad: Unaudited results for the 6 months ended 30 June 2022. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2021) PPB Group Berhad: For the financial year ended 31 December 2021. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2021) PPB Group Berhad: Unaudited results for the 6 months ended 30 June 2021. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2020) PPB Group Berhad: For the financial year ended 31 December 2020. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2020) PPB Group Berhad: Unaudited results for the 6 months ended 30 June 2020. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2019) PPB Group Berhad: For the financial year ended 31 December 2019. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2019) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing Unaudited 1H2019 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2018) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing Unaudited 1H2018 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2018) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing Unaudited FY2018 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2017) PPB Group Berhad: Press and Analyst Briefing Unaudited 1H2017 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2017) PPB Group Berhad: Press and Analyst Briefing Unaudited FY2016 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2017) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing Unaudited FY2017 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

Prudente, Cede (2016) Importance of bird fauna for sustainable livelihood for the Wetlands of Kinabatangan. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2016) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing 1H2016 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2015) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing 1H2015 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

Pang, Kelvin Kat Nyen and Mohammad, Anuar and Robert Ong, . and Lapongan, Jaffirin and Salleh, Musa (2014) Progress and issues of forest plantation development in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2014) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing 1H2014 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2014) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing Unaudited FY2014 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2013) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing 1H2013 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2012) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing 1H2012 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2012) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing Unaudited FY2012 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2011) PPB Group Berhad : Analyst & Press Briefing Unaudited 1H11 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2011) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing Unaudited FY2011 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2010) PPB Group Berhad : Analyst & Press Briefing Unaudited 1H10 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2010) PPB Group Berhad : Press and Analyst Briefing Unaudited FY10 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2009) PPB Group Berhad : Analyst & Press Briefing Unaudited 1H09 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2009) PPB Group Berhad : Analyst & Press Briefing Unaudited FY09 Results. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2008) PPB Group Berhad : Financial Results(unaudited) for the year ended 31 December 2008. [Conference or Proceeding]

PPB Group Berhad, . (2008) PPB Group Berhad : Half-Year Results(unaudited) for the period ended 30 June 2008. [Conference or Proceeding]

Pethiya, B. P. (2005) Strategies for poverty alleviation through dovetailing the potential of microfinance practices with non-timber forest products from dipterocarps: lessons from India. [Conference or Proceeding]

Phongoudom, Chanhsamone and Sirivongs, Khamfeua (2005) The role and development status of Dipterocarpaceae family in Lao PDR. [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Landskap Kebangsaan ( 1997 : Shah Alam, Selangor). (1999) Ke arah negara taman : wawasan dan cabaran , jalanbicara Persidangan Landskap Kebangsaan, 4-5 November 1997, Shah Alam / peyunting Osman Mohd Tahir ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan kebangsaan kelapa sawit PORIM 1995 ( 1995 : Kuala Lu (1995) Teknologi untuk sektor ladang dan pekebun kecil `menuju kehadapan' : prosiding persidangan kebangsaan kelapa sawit PORIM 1995 ; teknologi untuk sektor ladang dan pekebun kecil `menuju kehadapan' / disemak oleh Jalani Sukaimi, Ariffin Daus,Mohd Tayeb Dolma. [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Ekologi Malaysia (ke-2 : 1993 : Kuala Lumpur). (1994) Ecotourism in Malaysia : prospect and potential impact : (gabungan kertas kerja dan hasil penyelidikan dan kajiaan pakar-pakar dalam Persidangan Ecologi II di Hotel Shangri La, Kuala Lumpur pada 6-9 September 1993) / editor Saberi Othman ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Ekologi Malaysia ( 1992 : Serdang) (1992) Status ekologi semasa menjelang 2020 : prosiding Persidangan Ekologi Malaysia I, 16-17 September 1992, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia / penyunting M.Y. Hussein, A.S. Sajap dan S.B. Japar. [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Teknologi Perikanan ( 1991 : Kuala Terengganu). (1991) Persidangan Teknologi Perikanan : perikanan laut dalam dekad 90an, peningkatan produktiviti melalui teknologi baru, 10-11 March 1991. [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Fisiologi Tumbuhan ( 1st : 1990 : Mardi, Serdang). (1990) Transaksi Persatuan Fisiologi Tumbuhan Malaysia / sidang editor Hamid Lazan ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Palm Oil Familiarization Seminar ( 1989 : Bandar Baru Bangi, Sel (1989) Papers of the palm oil familiarization seminar, 7-16 March 1989, B.B.Bangi. [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Kebangsaan Kelapa Sawit/Minyak Sawit "Perkembangan M (1988) (Kumpulan kertaskerja Persidangan Kebangsaan Kelapa Sawit/Minyak Sawit 'Perkembangan Masakini,' 11-15 Oktober 1988, Kuala Lumpur). [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Kebangsaan Pekebun Kecil ( 1984 : Kuala Lumpur). (1984) Kumpulan kertaskerja yang dibentangkan di Persidangan Kebangsaan... [Conference or Proceeding]

PETA Seminar '83 "The Recession and Realities in Malaysian Agric (1983) The recession and realities in Malaysian agriculture: papers presented at the Seminar held on 28th-29th March 1983 in Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Kebangsaan Pembangunan Perusahaan-Perusahaan Berasas (1981) (Kertas kerja Persidangan Kebangsaan Pembangunan Perusahaan-Perusahaan Berasaskan Sumber. [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Pegawai-Pegawai Felda ( 1979 : Kuala Lumpur). (1979) (Kertas kerja Persidangan Pegawai-Pegawai Felda '79). [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Pengurus Rancangan RISDA ( 1979 : Kuala Lumpur). (1979) Lapuran Persidangan Pengurus Rancangan RISDA 1979 di Kuala Lumpur pada 12 dan 13 Mac 1979 / disusun oleh Aziz Shaffie. [Conference or Proceeding]

Pulp and Paper Seminar ( 2nd : 1979 : Kuching, Sarawak). (1979) (Papers presented at the Seminar). [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Peladang Pusat Penyelidikan Getah Malaysia ( 1974 : (1975) Perdebatan Persidangan Peladang Pusat Penyelidikan Getah Malaysia, 1974, Kuala Lumpur/ disusun dan disunting oleh Amlir Aziz (dan lain-lain). [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Perhutanan Malaysia, ( Kelima : 1964 : Sandakan). (1974) [Papers presented at the conference]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Padi Kebangsaan ( 1986 : Mardi, Serdang). Ke arah peningkatan daya pengeluaran industri padi: kertas kerja yang dibentangkan di Persidangan Padi Kebangsaan 1986, 20-22hb Jan. 1986. [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Tahunan Persatuan Biokimia Malaysia ( Ke 3 : 1976 : Proceedings : Persidangan Tahunan Persatuan Biokimia Malaysia Ke 3 .../ editor, Koh Chong Lek. [Conference or Proceeding]

PORIM Palm Oil Quality Conference ( 1993 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of PORIM Palm Oil Quality Conference, 11-13 January 1993 edited by Ahmad Ibrahim and Mohamad Jaaffar Ahmad. [Conference or Proceeding]

PORIM-Industry Forum (: 1997 : Putra Jaya, Selangor) Proceedings of the PORIM-Industry Forum, 7 January 1997, Purtra Jaya. [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Kebangsaan Pertanian Berpengairan 1991 ( Johor Bahru Prosiding Persidangan Kebangsaan Pertanian Berpengairan 1991 = Proceedings of the National Conference on Irrigated Agriculture 1991, 14-16 November, 1991, di Hotel Puteri Pan Pacific, Johor Bahru / penyuting: Mohd. Shahrin Yob, Mahamad Nor Jaffar, Mohamma. [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Penyelidikan Perikanan 1996 ( 1996 : Pulau Pinang). Prosiding Persidangan Penyelidikan Perikanan 1996 8hb. - 10hb. Julai, 1996,Institut Penyelidikan Perikanan / penyunting Liong Pit Chong. [Conference or Proceeding]

Perjumpaan Kumpulan Penyelidik Sebatian Semula Jadi ( 5th : 1987 Prosiding perjumpaan Kumpulan Penyelidik Sebatian Semula Jadi Ke-5, 28 Jun - 1 Julai 1987 / editor Zakaria Bahari. [Conference or Proceeding]

Persidangan Sains Bumi dan Masyarakat ( 1990 : Bangi). Prosiding persidangan sains bumi dan masyarakat : sumbangan penyelidikan geologi dalam pembangunan negara 9-10 Julai 1990. [Conference or Proceeding]


Rozario, Mark (2017) Malaysia’s innovation agenda. [Conference or Proceeding]

Riutta, Terhi (2016) Carbon balance in old-growth forest, logged forest and oil palm. [Conference or Proceeding]

Reynolds, Glen (2016) Conservation mapping for new protected areas in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rejab, Sarifah and Ab. Rashid, Ahmad Hazri and Subramaniam, Thavamanithevi and Mohd Helan, Mohd Helme and Aid, Noor Rabihah and Shafie, Ana Sharmila and Mohd. Shabery, Aidawati and Abd. Ghani, Zuleen Delina Fasya and Khalid, Syamimi and Abdullah, Nurul Husna and Lim, Chuan Gee and Hashim, Puziah and Sugau, John and Tangah, Joseph (2015) Aphrodisiac potential and preclinical evaluation on the extract of mangrove plants in coastal area of Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Robi, Nickson Joseph and Ului, Laing Lesley and Tisen, Oswald Braken (2014) Application of Protected Area Management Information System (PAMIS) to enhance management of totally protected areas in Sarawak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Ramli, Siti Raihana (2014) Faedah sosio ekonomi: kawasan koridor ekologi Central Forest Spine (CFS), Gerik, Perak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Workshop on Shared Stock in the South China Sea Area ( (1995) Report of second Regional Workshop on Shared Stock in the South China Sea Area, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, 18-20 July 1995. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Seminar on Management and Utilization of Agricultural a (1991) Management and utilization of agricultural and industrial wastes : proceedings of the regional seminar on Management and Utilization of Agricultural and Industrial Wastes, held on 21-23 March 1990 at the University of Malaya / S.H. Goh ... [et al.] editor. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Rubber Grower's Conference (1991) Towards greater viability of the natural rubber industry : proceedings ... / edited by Abdul Aziz bin S.A. Kadir. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Symposium on Recent Development in Tree Plantations of (1989) Programme and abstracts : regional symposium on recent development in tree plantations of humid/subhumid tropics of Asia, June 5-9, 1989. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Conference on Forest Resources Crisis in the Third Worl (1986) (Papers presented at) Regional Conference on Forest Resources Crisis in the Third World, Penang. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Seminar on Extension and Rural Development Strategies ( (1984) Improving extension strategies for rural development / edited by Sulaiman M. Yassin, Irene Beavers, Ibrahim Mamat. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Seminar on Technology, Utilization and Management of Ag (1982) Technology, utilization and management of agricultural wastes : proceedings of a regional seminar at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 15-17 Sept., 1982/ (editors), S.A. Salam, Abang Abdullah Abang Ali. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Conference on Environmental Education in Asean Universi (1981) (Papers presented at the Regional Conference on Environmental Education in Asean Universities and its Transfer, 18-21 August, 1981, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor). [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubber Products Forum's Inaugural Seminar ( 1980 : Kuala Lumpur) (1980) Joint venture: experiences of the rubber-based industry: a report of the proceedings of the Rubber Product Forum's Seminar held in Kuala Lumpur on 19 January 1980/ edited and compiled by Lim Sow Ching and Shamsudin Hisham. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Seminar on Extension and Rural Development Strategies ( (Papers presented at the Regional Seminar on Extension and Rural Development Strategies, held on 16-20 May 1983, at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor). [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Meeting of the Integrated Programme [of the Department Proceedings : Regional Meeting of the Integrated Programme ../ [edited by] Hashim bin A. Wahab. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Rubber Growers' Conference Proceedings : Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Rubber Growers' Conference 1989, held in Malacca from 21 to 23 August 1989 / organised by the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Workshop on Impact of Man's Activites on Tropical Uplan Proceedings Regional Workshop on Impact of Man's Activities on Tropical Upland Forest Ecosystems/ edited by Yusuf Hadi... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Seminar on Trends in Agricultural Research and Manageme Proceedings Trends in Agricultural Research and Management Seminar / Editiorial Committee Alang Perang Zainuddin, Hashim Abd. Wahab, Khalip A. Raffar. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubberwood Utilization Seminar ( 1982 : Kuala Lumpur) Proceedings [of the] Rubberwood Utilization Seminar 15th June 1982, Kuala Lumpur / [edited by] L.T. Hong. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubberwood Utilization Seminar ( 2nd : 1985 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings [of the] Second Rubberwood Utilization Seminar 19th and 20th November 1985 Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Workshop on Palm Oil Mill Technology And Effluent Treat Proceedings of Regional Workshop on Palm Oil Mill Technology and Effluent Treatment/ organised by Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rattan Seminar ( 1984 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of The Rattan Seminar 2-4 Oktober 1984, Kuala Lumpur/ edited by K.M. Wong and N. Manokaran. [Conference or Proceeding]

Role of Agriculture Education in the Malaysian Agricultural Indu Proceedings of the Alumni Association College of Agriculture Symposium. [Conference or Proceeding]

Round-Table Conference on Dipterocarps ( 5th : 1994 : Chiang Mai Proceedings of the Fifth round-Table Conference On Dipterocarps, Chiang Mai, 7-10 November 1994 / editors S.Appanah and K.C.Khoo. [Conference or Proceeding]

R.R.I.M. Planters' Conference ( 1971 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the R.R.I.M. Planters' Conference, 1971, Kuala Lumpur / edited by Ng Siew Kee and J.C. Rajarao. [Conference or Proceeding]

R.R.I.M. Planters' Conference ( 1972 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the R.R.I.M. Planters' Conference, 1972, Kuala Lumpur / edited by J.C. Rajarao and Foo Kah Yoon. [Conference or Proceeding]

R.R.I.M. Planters' Conference ( 1973 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the R.R.I.M. Planters' Conference, 1973, Kuala Lumpur / edited by J.C. Rajarao and Foo Kah Yoon. [Conference or Proceeding]

Reginal Seminar on Future Developments in Poultry Industry ( 198 Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Future Developments in Poultry Industry / edited by: Aini Ideris and Ramlah Hamid. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Seminar on Water Technology Towards Rural Development ( Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Water Technology Towards Rural Development/ editors Mohd. Amin Mohd. Soom, Kwok Chee Yan, Rosnah Mohd Yusoff. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Symposium On Recent Developments in Tree Plantations of Proceedings of the Regional Symposium On Recent Developments in Tree Plantations of Humid/Subhumid Tropics of Asia, 5-9 June 1989, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia / edited by Sheikh Ali Abod ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Planters Conference ( 1981 Proceedings of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Planters Conference 1981, Kuala Lumpur / edited by J.C. Rajarao and K. Venugopal. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Planters Conference ( 1983 Proceedings of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Planters Conference 1983, Kuala Lumpur / edited by J.C. Rajarao and L.L. Amin. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Planters' Conference ( 197 Proceedings of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Planters' Conference 1974 held in Kuala Lumpur / edited and compiled by Sim Lee Ling. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Planters' Conference ( 197 Proceedings of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Planters' Conference, 1979, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Planters' Conference ( 197 Proceedings of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Planters' Conference, held in Kuala Lumpur from 17-19 October, 1976. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Rubber Growers' Conference Proceedings of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Rubber Growers' Conference 1986 Ipoh, Perak / edited by J.C. Rajarao and L.L. Amin. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Rubber Growers' Conference Proceedings of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia Rubber Growers' Conference 1987 Desaru, Johore / edited by Foo Kah Yoon and P.G. Chuah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rubberwood Seminar ( 2nd : 1985 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the Second Rubberwood Seminar, Nov. 19-25 1985, Kuala Lumpur/ edited by K. Daljeet Singh, Choo Kheng Ten, Hong Lay Thong. [Conference or Proceeding]

Rice Review Meeting ( 1977 : Bumbong Lima, Kepala Batas). Proceedings of the rice review meeting / edited by Ahmed Anwar Ismail, Joy Varughese, Wan Rubiah Abdullah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Regional Seed Technology Workshop for ASEAN and the Pacific ( 3r Proceedings of the third Regional Seed Technology Workshop for ASEAN and the Pacific / edited by Hor Yue Luan. [Conference or Proceeding]


Scriven, Sarah and Carlson, Kimberly and Hodgson, Jenny and Heilmayr, Robert and McClean, Colin and Lucey, Jennifer and Hill, Jane (2017) Connectivity benefits of High Conservation Value areas (HCVs) in RSPO oil palm plantations. [Conference or Proceeding]

Suara, Zulkifli and Ag.Suman, Mohd Nasir and Simin, Miskon and Lidadun, Peter Maurice and Primus, Pius and Yusin, Mahali and Loisang, Donatus and Jack, Peter and Ismail, Ismailey (2017) Forest laws and enforcement in Sabah : progress and achievement. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sinun, Waidi (2017) Selling the forest through tourism : the Kawag Danum Rainforest Lodge story. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sompud, Jephte and Goh, Collin and Liau, Paul and Yahya, Fadzil and Sompud, Cynthia Boon and Gilbert, Emily A. and Ambrose, Auddrey and Abd Rahim, Ahmad Tarmizi and Hansam, Hisham and Jamaludin, Amirul Aizat and Juma’at, Ridhwan and Midin, Mohamad Faisal and Ahmad Shuhaimi, Abdul Hannan and Ishak, Mohamad Hadi and Ramly, Rufi’at (2017) Wildlife management in KTS Plantation Sdn. Bhd, Segaliud-Lokan, Sabah : from liability to assets. [Conference or Proceeding]

Silver, Lynette Ramsay (2017) The historic Death March track : the potential for eco tourism development in the Tawai and Taviu Forestry Reserves. [Conference or Proceeding]

Slade, Eleanor and Ationg, Miklin and Luke, Sarah and Agama, Agnes and Struebig, Matthew (2017) Assessing the benefits of Riparian reserves : developing the science to inform environmental policy. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sabah Forestry Department, . (2017) 2nd Sabah's Ramsar Conference 2016. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sapni, Abdul Samah (2016) CEPA programme in Lower Kinabatangan Segama Wetlands. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sabran, Suzana and Pereira, Joan T. and Sugau, John B. and Nilus, Reuben and Seligin, Jauris and Matusin, Dg Ku Rozianah and Miun, Postar @ Jaiwit (2016) Plants used by the Tidung community in Kg. Dagat, Kinabatangan, Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Samsurin, Jalani (2016) Restorasi hutan bakau berasaskan masyarakat : Sri Ganda Community Base Sustainable Eco Tourism (SG’BEST). [Conference or Proceeding]

Sulaiman, Rahim (2016) Ecotourism development in Forest Management Unit 10 (FMU10) Tambunan : hiking up Mount Trusmadi through Sinua. [Conference or Proceeding]

Slade, Eleanor and Luke, Sarah (2016) Enhancing environmental resilience in oil palm landscapes via improved design of Riparian Reserves. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sharma, Dionysius S.K. (2016) Heart of Borneo Green Investment Fund. [Conference or Proceeding]

Soonthornnawaphat, Somsak (2016) Lessons from “implementing pilot PES project in Mae Sa-Kog Ma Man and biosphere reserve". [Conference or Proceeding]

Sam, King (2016) Palau Protected Areas Network Fund. [Conference or Proceeding]

Struebig, Matthew and Vairappan, Charles and Slade, Eleanor and Bicknell, Jake and Davies, Zoe and Lucey, Jen and Reynolds, Glen and Agama, Agnes (2016) Environmental research priorities for sustainable oil palm : what do early career scientists want? [Conference or Proceeding]

Sugau, John B. and Pereira, Joan T. and Sabran, Suzana and Andi Maryani M., . (2015) Plant diversity study in Ramsar site in Sabah, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Slingerland, Maja (2015) Biophysical and socio-economic opportunities and constraints to improving smallholders oil palm yield and income. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sinun, Waidi and Idham, Khairul (2015) Conservation & protection of water resources catchment : are we doing enough to Sabah? [Conference or Proceeding]

Shirley, Rebekah (2015) Integrated energy planning and clean energy alternatives in Borneo, East Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Suzuki, Kazunobu (2015) Overview of JICA project for river basin management and livelihood improvement in Croker Range Biosphere Reserve (CRBR). [Conference or Proceeding]

Slade, Eleanor M. (2015) Preserving biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships in oil palm dominated landscapes. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sabah Forestry Department, . (2015) Proceedings of Sabah’s Ramsar Conference 2015. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sabah Forestry Department, . (2015) Proceedings of the 17th Malaysian Forestry Conference. [Conference or Proceeding]

Siburat, Simon (2014) Enhancing biodiversity within an oil palm plantations ‐ a Wilmar experience. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sharma, Dionysius (2014) Living Planet Report 2014 : species and spaces, people and places. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sinajin, Jeflus S. and Lee, Ka Han and Abdullah, Siti Zubaidah (2014) Achieving no net loss of biodiversity conservation in multiple-use forest landscapes: a 21st century challenge. [Conference or Proceeding]

Suhaili, Affendi and Lawen, Jayneeca (2014) Aplikasi teknologi maju dalam operasi (pemantauan) perhutanan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Shebli, Zarina and Ahmad, Sapuan and Chai, P. K. and Abdul Gani, . and Cluny, Wilhelmina (2014) Penglibatan masyarakat tempatan dalam pemuliharaan dan pembangunan mampan di Sarawak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sugau, John B. and Mohd. Yusof, Nur Adillah (2014) Plant diversity study in forest reserves with ultramafic habitats in Sabah, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sinun, Waidi (2013) The role of research in underpinning sustainable protected area management & development of eco-tourism activities. [Conference or Proceeding]

Salam, M. C. Ismail (2012) Drivers for change : shaping the future of the agriculture industry in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sharma, Dionysius S.K. (2011) Forest solutions for a sustainable future. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sintoh, Mary (2011) The Sabah development corridor & the prospects for green economy development in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Stephensons, Maria Christina and Arujanan, Mahaletchumy (2011) International Workshop on Agribiotechnology Communication: Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Agribiotechnology in Muslim Countries. [Conference or Proceeding]

Suhardi, . (2005) Approach toward reducing pressure on natural forests by planting dipterocarp between oil palm. [Conference or Proceeding]

Subiakto, Atok and Sakai, Chikaya and Purnomo, Susilo and Taufiqurahman, . (2005) Cutting propagation as an alternative technique for mass production of dipterocarps planting stocks in Indonesia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Soekotjo, . and Wardhana, Eka Kusdiandra (2005) Early evaluation on species trials for establishment of commercial plantation of dipterocarps. [Conference or Proceeding]

Supriyanto, . and Irawan, U. S. (2005) Enrichment planting of degraded-forest using mycorrhizal seedlings in Pasirmayang forest, Jambi. [Conference or Proceeding]

Surayya, Teki (2005) Financial and marketing strategies for sustainable development of dipterocarp forests and poverty reduction in forest dwelling communities in India. [Conference or Proceeding]

Siregar, Iskandar Z. and Siregar, U.J. and Cao, C.P. and Gailing, O. and Finkeldey, R. (2005) Genetic variation of Indonesian dipterocarps assessed by amplified fragment length polymorphisms. [Conference or Proceeding]

Shin, Thant and Kyi, Thein (2005) Some Important Myanmar Species of Genus Dipterocarpus and their potential towards poverty alleviation. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sam Mannan and Yahya Awang and Albert Radin and Andurus Abi and Subari Hj. Suparlan and Peter Lagan (2003) Conservation of The Orangutan and Forest Management Units: The Deramakot Model. [Conference or Proceeding]

SEAFDEC Meeting on Regional Sea Turtle Data Management (2000 : K (2000) Report of the First SEAFDEC Meeting on Regional Sea Turtle Data Management / organised by Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia 20-21 November 2000. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on tropical ecosystem research in Sabah (4th : 1999 : Ko (1999) Research contribution towards optimisation of resources in tropical ecosystems : [papers of Seminar on Tropical Ecosystem Research in Sabah, 6 - 7 September 1999, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on the Management and Conservation of Highland Areas in (1996) Heights of sustainable development? : proceedings of seminar on the management and conservation of highland areas in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur,16 January 1996. [Conference or Proceeding]

Second symposium on tropical fruit flies ( 1995 : Kuala Lumpur,M (1996) Problems and management of tropical fruit flies : proceedings of the second symposium on tropical fruit flies 8-9 May 1995 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / edited by T.H.Chua and S.G.Khoo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Etnobotani ( 1991 : Serdang). (1995) Ke arah menghidupkan penggunaan tradisional tumbuh-tumbuhan tempatan : prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Etnobotani Pertama, Serdang, 16-18 September 1991 / editor, Teh Kang Hai. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Tren dan Prioriti Pengembangan Menjelang Tahun 2020 : Po (1995) Menangani perubahan : cabaran dan tindakan pengembangan : himpunan kertas kerja Seminar Tren dan Prioriti pengembangan Menjelang 2020, 12-13hb Disember 1994 / editor Abu Daud Silong, Maimunah Ismail, Musa Abu Hassan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Energy Conservation for Refrigeration Systems and the (1995) Papers presented at the seminar on energy ... 19 January 1995. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on low-calorie product development ( 1995 : Subang, Sela (1995) Working papers of the seminar on low-calorie product development, 22-23 May 1995 / organised by ASEAN Food Handling Bureau. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Tropical Fruit Flies ( 1992 : Kuala Lumpur). (1994) Current research on tropical fruit flies and their management : proceedings of the Symposium on Tropical Fruit Flies, 18-20 May 1992, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / edited by H. S. Yong and S. G. Khoo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Tren dan Prioriti Pengembangan Menjelang Tahun 2020 : Po (1994) [Kertas kerja] Seminar tren dan prioriti pengembangan menjelang tahun 2020 : polisi dan amalan, 12-13 Disember 1994, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Aquaculture Practices in Malaysia ( 1994 : UPM, Serda (1994) Paper presented at the seminar on aquaculture ... 29-30th March, UPM, Serdang. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Public-Private Responses for a Green Malaysia ( 1994 (1994) Seminar on public-private responses for a green Malaysia, 1-2nd June, 1994 organized by Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER). [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium Biji Benih Naisional Kedua ( 1994 : Serdang, Selangor) (1994) Simposium Biji Benih Naisional Kedua, 10hb - 12hb Mei 1994 di Universiti Pertanian Malaysia / anjuran ASEAN PLANTI. [Conference or Proceeding]

Soil Science Conference of Malaysia ( 1991 : Genting Highlands, (1994) Studies in soil science : some recent work in Malaysia : proceedings of the soil science conference of Malaysia 1991 / edited by: Ghulam M.Hashim. [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium Buah-Buahan Kebangsaan ( Ke 3 : 1991 : Gentng Highland (1993) Ke arah industri buah-buahan berdaya maju : prosiding / diedit oleh Mohd. Khalid Mohd. Zin ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan PKDP/PETA : Prospek Sektor Pekebun Kecil Dala (1993) Kertas kerja seminar kebangsaan prospek sektor pekebun kecil dalam ekonomi industri 22-24 Jun 1993. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Pendidikan Pasaran ( 1993 : Frasers Hill). (1993) Kertas kertas seminar ... Pine Resort, Frasers Hill, 2-5 Mac 1993. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Ke Arah Penggunaan Teknologi Terkini Tanaman Duku Trengg (1993) Penanaman duku Trengganu, dokong dan salak : prosiding Seminar Ke Arah Penggunaan Teknologi Terkini Tanaman Duku Trengganu, Dokong dan Salak, pada 4 Oktober 1992, [bertempat di Primula Beach Resort, Kuala Trengganu] / editors, Salleh Hassan ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Pemborong dan Pasar Pemborong Baru ke Arah Permodenan Se (1992) Kertas kerja Seminar Pemborong dan Pasar Pemborong Baru Ke Arah Permodenan Semasa di Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur pada 30 Jun 1992. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Menilai Pencapaian Penyelidikan IRPA dalam Ra (1992) Kertas kerja teknikal Seminar Kebangsaan Menilai Pencapaian Penyelidikan IRPA Dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kelima: jil. 2 )Sains Sosial), 25 & 26 November, 1991 di Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah Darulaman. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Menilai Pencapaian Penyelidikan IRPA dalam Ra (1992) Kertas kerja teknikal Seminar Kebangsaan Menilai Pencapaian Penyelidikan IRPA Dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kelima: jil.3 )Sains Sosial), 25 & 26 November, 1991 di Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah Darulaman. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Menilai Pencapaian Penyelidikan IRPA dalam Ra (1992) Kertas kerja teknikal Seminar Kebangsaan Menilai Pencapaian Penyelidikan IRPA Dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kelima: jil.4 )Sains Sosial), 25 & 26 November, 1991 di Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah Darulaman. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Ketua Peneroka & Penerokawati ( 1991 : Kuala Lumpur, Mal (1992) Kertas-kertas kerja Seminar Ketua & Penerokawati, 23-24 November 1991 di Dewan Tunku Chancellor, Universiti Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Perdagangan Koko ( 1992 : Ipoh). (1992) Kertaskerja Seminar Perdagangan Koko pada 13 Ogos 1992 di Casuarina Hotel, Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan / anjuran bersama Lembaga Koko Malaysia dan Persatuan Kebangsaan Pekebun-Pekebun Kecil Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Bioteknologi Kebangsaan ( Ke 4 : 1992 : Subang, Selangor (1992) Program dan abstrak Seminar Bioteknologi Kebangsaan ke-IV, Hyatt Saujana, Subang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, 25-26 November 1992. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Decorative Veneers ( 1992 : Kuala Lumpur). (1992) Seminar on decorative veneers : maximise profits from decorative tropical timbers : proceedings held on 10th April 1992, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / jointly organised by ASEAN Timber Technology Centre and H-IMS Exhibitions & Conference. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Developments in Palm Oil Milling Technology and Envir (1991) Kertas Kerja seminar on developments in palm oil milling technology and environmental management ( 16-17 May 1991). [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium Biologi Kebangsaan ( 4th : 1991 : Kuala Lumpur, Malays (1991) Kesatuan dalam kepelbagaian penyelidikan biologi : program dan abstrak simposium biologi kebangsaan ke-IV pada 26-27 November 1991 di Hotel Ming Court, Kuala Lumpur / anjuran Fakulti Sains Hayat, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium Biologi Kebangsaan ( Ke 3 : 1988 : Subang Jaya). (1991) Keseimbangan penyelidikan asas dan gunaan dalam biologi : Simposium Biologi Kebangsaan ke-III, 22-24 November, 1988 / disunting oleh A. Aziz Bidin ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Hasil Pencapaian Penyelidikan IRPA di bawah Rancangan Ma (1991) (Laporan) : kertas kerja seminar Hasil Pencapaian Penyelidikan IRPA di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Kelima. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Disposal of Agricultural, Domestic and Industrial Was (1991) Seminar on Disposal of Agricultural, Domestic and Industrial Waste, Monday, 11th March 1991 at Holiday Inn, Kuching / organised by Institut Kimia Malaysia (Sarawak), Departmant of Environment, Sarawak, Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malays. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Status of Herbaria and Systematic Resources ( 1990 : (1991) Status of herbara in Malaysia : proceedings of the Seminar on Status of Herbaria and Systematic Resources in Malaysia held in Kuching, Malaysia 28-29 June 1990 / edited by A. Latiff. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Ekologi dan Biologi Hutan Simpan Bangi ( 1988 : Bangi). (1990) Ekologi dan biologi hutan simpan Bangi : prosiding perjumpaan sintesis / di sunting oleh A. Latiff. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Geotechnical Aspects of the North-South Expressway ( (1990) Geotechnical aspects of the North-South Expressway : proceedings of the Seminar on Geotechnical Aspects of the North-South Expressway, Kuala Lumpur, 5-6th November 1990 / edited by C.M. Chin, M.J.D. Dobie and R.A. Nicholls. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Industri Kraftangan ( 1990 : Alor Setar). (1990) (Kertas kerja) Seminar Kebangsaan Industri Kraftangan, 20-21 Ogos 1990 / anjuran Kerajaan Negeri Kedah Darulaman dan Universiti Utara Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Amalan dan Pendidikan Ukur Tanah ( 1990 : Sku (1990) [Kumpulan kertaskerja] Seminar Kebangsaan Amalan dan Pendidikan Ukur Tanah, 4-5 Disember 1990, Dewan Jumaah, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Vegetable Oils and Oilseeds : a trader's guide ( 1990 (1990) [Papers presented at the] Seminar on Vegetable Oils and Oilseeds : a trader's guide, 21-22 May 1990, Conference Hall, Porim, Bandar Baru Bangi. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Pembangunan Industri Buah-Buahan Negeri Pulau Pinang ( 1 (1989) Kumpulan kertaskerja : Seminar Pembangunan Industri Buah-Buahan Negeri Pulau Pinang di Jabatan Pertanian Cherok Tok Kun, Bukit Mertajam pada 25-26 Julai 1989. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Mangrove Management : Its Ecological and Economic C (1989) Mangrove management : its ecological and economic considerations : (Proceedings of the) Symposium on Mangrove Management : Its Ecological Economic Consideration, Bogor, Indonesia, August 9-11, 1988 / editors: Ishemat al. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Animal Production and Health ( 1989 : Tawau). (1989) Towards improved animal health & livestock production in Sabah : proceedings of the seminar / editors, Ibrahim bin Mokhtar, Daniel T.F. Chin, Chia Soo Phin, Yeo Boon Kiat. [Conference or Proceeding]

Scientific Conference ( 3rd : 1988 : Kuala Lumpur). (1988) Nutrients needs and supplements : proceedings of the 3rd scientific conference / editors Mohd. Ismail Noor ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

SLDB/PORIM Workshop on Palm Oil Milling Technology ( 1988 : Kota (1988) Papers presented at SLDB/PORIM Workshop on Palm Oil Milling Technology, 21-22 June 1988, Kota Kinabalu. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sarawak Geotechnical Symposium ( 1988 : Sarawak). (1988) [Papers presented] at the Sarawak Geotechnical Symposium, 30th March 1988, Kuching, Sarawak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia ( 1987 : Il (1988) Perspectives in aquaculture development in Southeast Asia and Japan : proceedings of the Seminar on... 8-12 September 1987 / organized jointly by SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department and the Government of Japan ; editors, J.V. Juario, L.V. Benitez. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar of the Malaysian Society of Marine Sciences ( 11th : 198 (1988) Thirty years of marine science research & development : proceedings of the 11th Annual Seminar, 26 March 1988 / edited by Sasekumar A., Rebecca D'Cruz and Susan Lim Lee Hong. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on "Opportunities for Smallholders to Participate in M (1988) Towards modernising smallholding agriculture in Sabah : proceedings of a symposium held at Keningau, Sabah, January 16-17, 1986 / edited by Ti Teow Chuan and Winnie Yee. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Landskap Taman & Manusia ( 1987 : Serdang). (1987) Kertas kerja-kertas kerja yang dibentangkan di Seminar Landskap Taman & Manusia 14 Ogos 1987 Serdang/ anjuran Fakulti Pertanian Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Tenaga Untuk Pembangunan Desa ( 1987 : UPM, Serdang). (1987) Kumpulan Kertas kerja Seminar Tenaga untuk Pembangunan Desa, 30hb. Julai 1987/ disusun oleh Baharudin bin Yatim. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Management of the Cocoa Pod Borer ( 1987 : Kuala Lu (1987) Management of the cocoa pod borer : proceedings of the symposium on Management of the Cocoa Pod Borer, 2nd March, 1987, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / edited by Peter A.C. Ooi ... [et al]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Teknologi Koko Masakini ( 2nd : 1986 : Ipoh, Perak). (1986) Ke arah penanaman koko secara klon : prosiding seminar Teknologi Koko Masakini, 17-20 Februari 1986 di Ipoh, Perak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium IRIM 86.Implikasi Perlaksanaan Pelan Induk Perindustri (1986) Kertas kerja Seminar... [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Peranan Komunikasi dalam Meningkatkan Produktiviti ( 198 (1986) Kertas kerja dibentangkan di Seminar Peranan Komunikasi dalam Meningkatkan Produktiviti, 7 Ogos 1986. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Barangan Utama ( 1986 : Kuala Lumpur). (1986) Kertaskerja Seminar Kebangsaan Barangan Utama 21-24 April 1986 Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Pembangunan Insan Dalam Konteks Penyelidikan dan Pembang (1986) Kertaskerja yang dibentangkan di Seminar Pembangunan Insan Dalam Konteks Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan Pertanian, 11-14 Julai 1986 Bangi, Selangor. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Kemajuan Terbaru Pengurusan Tanah dan Air Did (1986) Kertaskerja-kertaskerja yang dibentangkan di Seminar ... pada 20 Mac 1986 di Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar "Malaysian Agriculture-What Next?" ( 1985 : Kuala Lumpur (1986) Options for Malaysian agriculture : proceedings of the Seminar "Malaysian Agriculture-What Next?" held in Kuala Lumpur from 16 to 17 December, 1985/ edited by Wong Kai Choo... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar On Timber In Housing ( 1986 : Kuala Lumpur). (1986) Papers presented at the Seminar ... [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar On Food Security and Policy Issues In Malaysia ( 1986 : (1986) Papers presented at the Seminar On Food Security and Policy Issues In Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Fishing Boats Malaysia ( 1986 : UTM, K. Lumpur). (1986) Papers presented at the Seminar fishing boats Malaysia 24-25 March 1986/ Organised by the marine technology group. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Advances in Food Research in Malaysia ( 1986 : Serdan (1986) [Proceedings of the] Seminar on advances in food research in Malaysia, 6th-7th May 1986 / editors, Suhaila Mohamed, Mohd. Nasir Azudin, Mohamed Ismail Abdul Karim. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar "Towards Increasing Commercial Food Production" ( 1984 : (1985) Increasing commercial food production: proceedings of the Seminar "Towards Increasing Commercial Food Production" held from 27-29 November 1984 at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang/ edited by Sulaiman M. Yassin, Wan Mohamed Othman, Wong Kai Choo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Penyelidikan Tanaman Rempah dan Minuman ( 1985 : Kluang) (1985) Kertas kerja Seminar... [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Sehari Peluang-Peluang Pelaburan dalam Industri Pertania (1985) Kertas kerja yang dibentangkan di Seminar Sehari Peluang-Peluang Pelaburan dalam Industri Pertanian, 29 Oktober 1985, Hotel Hilton, Kuala Lumpur / anjuran bersama Dewan Perniagaan dan Perusahaan Melayu Malaysia (DPPMM) dan Institut Penyelidikan dan Kemaju. [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium IRIM '85 "Polisi Penswastaan Dalam Perhutanan Malaysia (1985) (Kertas-kerja kertas-kerja yang dibentangkan di Simposium Polisi Pengwastaan Dalam Perhutanan Malaysia, 10 Ogos, 1985, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia). [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium Kultur Tisu Tumbuhan Kebangsaan Ke-II ( 1985 : UPM, Se (1985) [Kertas-kerja] Simposium Kultur Tisu Tumbuhan Kebangsaan Ke II dan Bengkel Kultur Tisu Getah Antarabangsa, Oktober 15-17, 1985 / anjuran bersama RRIM, UPM, MARDI dan PORIM. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Penggunaan Kayu Getah ( Ke 2 : 1985 : Kuala Lumpur). (1985) Kertaskerja yang dibentangkan di Seminar Penggunaan Kayu Getah Kedua 19-20 Nov. 1985; anjuran Jawatankuasa Penyelidikan Kayu Getah Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Problems and Prospects of Rural Malaysia ( 1985 : Pul (1985) Papers presented at the Seminar. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Masalah dan Pengawalan Rumpai Asystasia di Projek Johor (1984) Jalan bicara Seminar Masalah dan Pengawalan Rumpai Asystasia di Projek Johor Barat, 23 Mei 1984 di Pontian. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Pembangunan Desa Malaysia ( 1984 : Serdang). (1984) (Kertaskerja kertaskerja Seminar Kebangsaan Pembangunan Desa Malaysia yang berlangsung pada 19-21hb. Julai 1984 di Universiti Pertanian Malaysia). [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium Biologi Kebangsaan ( 1982 : Bangi). (1984) Keutamaan penyelidikan dalam biologi Malaysia = Research priorities in Malaysian biology : kertas-kertas kerja / disunting oleh Ismail Sahid ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Land Application of Palm Oil and Rubber Factory Efflu (1984) Land application of palm oil and rubber factory effluents : proceedings of Seminar on Land Application of Palm Oil and Rubber Factory Effluents, held in Kuala Lumpur 15-16 August 1983 / edited by Lim Kim Huan, Abu Talib Bachik and Poon Yew Chin. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Strategi Program Pengembangan RISDA 1984 ( 1983 : Serdan (1984) (Proceedings) Seminar Strategi Perlaksanaan Program Pengembangan RISDA, 1984. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Progress and Development of Rubber Smallholders ( 6th (1984) The progress and development of rubber smallholders : proceedings of the Sixth Seminar held in Palembang, Indonesia, 22-26 July, 1986 / edited by Ahmad Hassan Osman and G.S. Tan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium Sains Rumpai di Tropika ( 1983 : UPM, Serdang). (1983) Kertas kerja-kertas kerja yang dibentangkan di Simposium Sains Rumpai di Tropika 4-5 Okt. 1983 UPM, Serdang Symposium on Weed Science in The Tropics. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Sistem Maklumat INFOTERRA ( 1983 : Kuala Lump (1983) (Kertaskerja kertaskerja Seminar Kebangsaan Sistem Maklumat Infoterra yang berlangsung pada 16-17 Februari, 1983). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Pembangunan Wilayah dan Kawasan Kearah Pendekatan Baru ( (1983) Laporan Seminar Pembangunan Wilayah dan Kawasan, INTAN, 17-19 Feb. 1983. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Recent Developments and Future Prospects of the Cocoa (1983) Papers presented at the Seminar on Recent Developments and Future Prospects of the Cocoa Industry in Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Hutan, Taman Negara dan Taman Bandaran Untuk (1983) Rekreasi Luar di Malaysia = (Outdoor recreation in Malaysia) : jalan-bicara : Seminar Kebangsaan Hutan, Taman Negara dan Taman Bandaran untuk Rekreasi 26-28 September, 1983, Serdang, Selangor / sidang pengarang, Wan Sabri Wan Mansor ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Teknologi Penanaman Padi Secara Tabur Terus ( 1982 : Pul (1982) Kertas-kertas kerja dan rumusan Seminar Teknologi Penanaman Padi Secara Tabur Terus pada 4-7 Jun 1982 di Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Serantau Teknologi Air ke Arah Pembangunan Desa ( 1982 : (1982) (Kertaskerja-kertaskerja Seminar Serantau Teknologi Air ke Arah Pembangunan Desa, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 19hb.-22hb. Jan. 1982). [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium Biologi Kebangsaan ( 1982 : Bangi). (1982) Keutamaan penyelidikan dalam biologi Malaysia : abstrak Simposium Biologi Kebangsaan, 2-4 November 1982 / Anjuran Fakulti Sains Hayat, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Desa ( 1982 : Kuching, Sarawak). (1982) Laporan Seminar Desa: pembangunan masyarakat nelayan bahagian pertama Sarawak di Pusat Latihan Perkhidmatan Awam, Kuching, Sarawak pada 4hb-6hb April 1982. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Pengurusan Koperasi Perikanan ( 1982 : Kuala (1982) Laporan Seminar Kebangsaan Pengurusan Koperasi Perikanan, 10-15 Mei 1982 Kuala Trengganu. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Pelaksanaan Projek-Projek Pembangunan Risda ( 1982 : Kua (1982) Laporan awal seminar pelaksanaan projek-projek pembangunan Risda, 5hb-8hb. Feb. 1982, K.L. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Management of Tropical Soils ( 1981 : Kuala Lumpur). (1982) Management of tropical soils : the proceedings ... / edited by Mohd. Zaki Ghazalli, Lim Kim Huan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Industry Experience in Natural Rubber Processing ( 19 (1982) (Proceedings) of the seminar on industry experience in natural rubber processing 26 Oktober 1982 Hotel Equatorial Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Nitrogen dalam Pertanian di Malaysia ( 1982 : Universiti (1982) Program dan abstrak: seminar .../ anjuran Persatuan Sains Tanah Malaysia dan Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar of the Malaysian Society of Marine Sciences ( 5th : 1982 (1982) Recent advances in marine sciences in Malaysia : papers presented at the 5th seminar of the Malaysian Society of Marine Sciences. [Conference or Proceeding]

SABRAO Workshop on Animal Genetic Resources ( 2nd : 1981 : Kuala (1981) Evaluation of animal genetic resources in Asia and Oceania: proceedings of the second SABRAO Workshop on Animal Genetic Resources/ edited by J.S.F. Barker ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Forest Regeneration in Southeast Asia ( 1979 : Bogo (1981) Forest regeneration in Southeast Asia : proceedings of Biotrop Symposium on Forest Regeneration in Southeast Asia, 19-21 June 1979, Bogor, Indonesia / Biotrop. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Penggunaan Teknik Nuklear Dalam Bidang Pertanian dan Ala (1981) (Kertas-kerja). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Peranan Pengurus Dalam Pembangunan Masyarakat Nelayan ( (1981) (Kertaskerja Kertaskerja Seminar Peranan Pengurus Dalam Pembangunan Masyarakat Nelayan, Kuala Lumpur, 19-21 Feb., 1981). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Pemimpin-Pemimpin Koperasi Peladang Negeri Melaka ( 1980 (1980) (Kertas-kertas kerja seminar, rumusan-rumusan bengkel dan usul-usul sidang pleno Seminar Pemimpin-Pemimpin Koperasi Peladang Negeri Melaka 1980). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Pertanian. Pemodenan Sektor Pertanian di Sarawak ( 1980 (1980) Kertaskerja kertaskerja Seminar Pertanian ... yang diadakan pada 23-24 Februari, 1980. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Piawaian dan Penggredan Beras di Malaysia ( 1980 : Pulau (1980) (Kertaskerja kertaskerja Seminar Piawaian dan Penggredan Beras di Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, 12 Jun, 1980). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Jemaah Pengarah Koperasi Peladang Kada ( 1980 : Kota Bha (1980) Koperasi peladang teras pembangunan tani: lapuran dari Seminar Jemaah Pengarah Koperasi Peladang Kada, 28hb-29hb April, 1980, Lundang, Kota Bharu. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Peniaga-Peniaga Getah Bumiputra Peringkat Nasional ( 198 (1980) Laporan Seminar Peniaga-Peniaga Getah Bumiputra Peringkat Nasional 1980, 19hb-21hb Mei, 1980, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Nasional Buah-Buahan Malaysia ( 1980 : Universiti Pertan (1980) (Papers presented at Seminar Nasional Buah-Buahan Malaysia, 5-7 November, 1980, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Siswazah Pertanian dan Pembangunan Negara ( 1980 : Serda (1980) (Papers presented at the Seminar Siswazah Pertanian dan Pembangunan Negara, Serdang, Januari, 1980). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Desa Daerah Segamat ( 1979 : Segamat, Johor). (1979) Lapuran Seminar ... yang telah di adakan pada 15-19 Julai 1979 di Segamat Johor. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Development of the Oil Palm Industry in the East Coas (1979) Papers presented at the first Seminar on Development of the Oil Palm Industry in the East Coast, 16th-18th March 1979, Kuala Trengganu. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Fertility and Management of Deforested Land ( 1979 : (1979) Seminar on Fertility and Management of Deforested Land, 17-20th May 1979, Kota Kinabalu. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Pemasaran Koperasi Pertanian Peringkat Kebangsaan ( 1978 (1978) (Kertaskerja Kertaskerja Seminar Pemasaran Koperasi Pertanian Peringkat Kebangsaan yang berlangsung pada 1hb-11hb Feb. 1978 di Petaling Jaya). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Strateji Pembangunan Negeri Kelantan ( 1978 : Kota Bharu (1978) Lapuran Seminar Strateji Pembangunan Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, 26-28 Mei, 1978. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Mangrove and Estuarine Vegetation in Southeast Asia (1978) (Papers presented at the Symposium on Mangrove and Estuarine Vegetation in Southeast Asia, April 25th-28th 1978, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor). [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Mangrove and Estuarine Vegetation in Southeast Asia (1978) (Papers presented at the Symposium on Mangrove and Estuarine Vegetation in Southeast Asia, April 25th-28th 1978, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Timber Housing ( 1976 : Penang, Malaysia). (1978) Report of the Seminar on Timber Housing, March 6, 1976, Penang, Malaysia / edited by Nicanor C. Austriaco. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Advances in Modern Technology in the Plantation Indus (1978) Seminar on Advances in Modern Technology in the Plantation Industry & its Effects on Values of Plantation Properties, venue, Federal Hotel, Port Dicksion, date, 21 - 23rd July 1978/ jointly organized by the Valuation Division, Ministry of Finance and the. [Conference or Proceeding]

SABRAO-MSAP Workshop on Breeding for Improvement of Ruminant Pro (1978) Workshop on breeding for improvement of ruminant production in Malaysia, Serdang, 3rd & 4th November, 1978. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Water Management for Agricultural Development ( 1977 (1977) Draft report on Seminar on Water Management for Agricultural Development held at Civil Service Training Centre Auditorium, Kuching, 4th-7th January 1977. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Agriculture : an outlook ( 1977 : Kuala Lumpur). (1977) [Paper presented] at the Seminar on Agriculture : an outlook / organised by the Agricultural Institute of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur,17 December 1977. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium (on) Current Position of Wood-based Industries in Mala (1977) Papers presented at the Symposium (on) Current Position of Wood-based Industries in Malaysia on 1st & 2nd August, 1977 at Mara Institute of Technology/ organised by the students of Diploma in Wood Technology. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Perkembangan Perusahaan Makanan di Malaysia ( 1977 : Sha (1977) [Papers presented at the] Seminar Perkembangan Perusahaan Makanan di Malaysia, 1 March 1977, Institiut Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam / dikelolakan oleh pelajar-pelajar tahun akhir, Kursus Teknologi Makanan, Kajian Sains Gunaan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on the Problems of Rice-growing Villages in Malaysia ( 1 (1977) Seminar on the Problems of Rice-growing Villages in Malaysia (kertas kerja-kertas kerja). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar serta Bengkel mengenai Pemodenan Pekebun Kecil Getah ( 1 (1977) Seminar serta Bengkel mengenai Pemodenan Pekebun Kecil Getah: (kertaskerja-kertaskerja). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Mengenai Pengedaran Maklumat Pertanian ( 1976 : Universi (1976) [Kertas-kertas kerja diedarkan semasa seminar]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium "Penternak-Penternak Kecil Dalam Pembangunan Dan Penge (1976) Kumpulan kertaskerja Simposium Kelima "Penternak-Penternak Kecil dalam Pembangunan dan Pengeluaran Haiwan", 15-16 Mac 1976, Institut Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Towards a Progressive Agribusiness Community ( 1976 : Un (1976) Papers presented at the seminar. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Peranan Wanita Dalam Pembangunan Koperasi Peladang ( 197 (1975) (Kertas kerja Seminar Peranan Wanita Dalam Pembangunan Koperasi Peladang di Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, 27-29 Oktober 1975). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Pembangunan Pekebun-Pekebun Kecil. (1975) Lapuran seminar / Pihak Berkuasa Kemajuan Pekebun Kecil Perusahaan Getah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Southeast Asia Sawmill Seminar ( 1st : 1975 : Singapore). (1975) Sawmill techniques for Southeast Asia: proceedings of the first Southeast Asia Sawmill Seminar, Singapore, June 1975/ edited by Duane C. Mason. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar: Jembrana Disease ( 1975 : Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (1975) Seminar : Jembrana disease. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Mengenai Latihan Yang Berkesan Bagi Memenuhi (1975) Seminar Kebangsaan Mengenai Latihan Yang Berkesan Bagi Memenuhi Keperluan Tenagamanusia Dalam Bidang Pertanian. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on South East Asian Plant Genetic Resources ( 1975 : B (1975) South East Asian plant genetic resources: proceedings/ edited by J.T. Williams, C.H. Lamoureux and N. Wulijarni-Soetjipto. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Pembangunan Sektor Pertanian ( 1971 : Kuala Lumpur). (1971) Kumpulan kertaskerja Seminar Pembangunan Sektor Pertanian, 7-11 Disember 1971, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Ecological Research in Humid Tropics Vegetation ( 1 (1965) (Proceedings of Symposium on Ecological Research in Humid Tropics Vegetation). [Conference or Proceeding]

Samocha, Tzachi M. Design and management of super-intensive nursery systems for the Pacific White Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. [Conference or Proceeding]

Stuel Galid, Rayner Investment prospects and potential in the fisheries sector in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium Tanaman Sayuran Dan Hiasan Di Tropika ( 1982 : Univers (Abstrak abstrak kertaskerja di Simposium Tanaman Sayuran Dan Hiasan Di Tropika abstracts of papers presented at the Symposium on Vegetables and Ornamentals In the Tropics, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 27-28 Oktob., 1982. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Rotan ( 1984 : Kuala Lumpur). Kumpulan kertaskerja yang dibentangkan di Seminar Rotan, 2-4 Oktober 1984, Kuala Lumpur / anjuran Pusat Penerangan Rotan, Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Pembangunan Insan Dalam Konteks Dasar Pertanian Negara ( Laporan Seminar Pembangunan Insan Dalam Konteks Dasar Pertanian Negara yang diadakan pada 17-19 Februari 1986, di Institut Latihan Pengembangan Pertanian, Serdang, Selangor. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Enhancing Malaysia's Quality Leadership in Natural Ru Proceedings (of the) Seminar on Enhancing Malaysia's Quality Leadership in Natural Rubber, 21 Sept., 1992., Hyatt Saujana, Subang International Airport Highway, Selangor D.E. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Forest Plantation Development in Malaysia ( 1984 : Ko Proceedings (of) Seminar on Forest Plantation Development in Malaysia, July 9-14, 1984, Kota Kinabalu/Kundasang/ chief editor, Liew That Chim. [Conference or Proceeding]

Standardisation of Soil and Plant Analysis in Malaysia ( 3rd : 1 Proceedings : 3rd Standardisation of Soil and Plant Analysis in Malaysia ... / edited by M. Mohinder Singh. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Modernization of Agriculture ( 1974 : Universiti Pert Proceedings : Seminar on Modernization of Agriculture in Malaysia / edited by Tee Thean Soo, Mohd. Shah Hj. Lassim. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Spices and Beverage Crops ( 1985 : Kluang, Johor). Proceedings : Seminar on Spices and Beverage Crops / editors, C.F. Loh and A. Mohd. Anuar. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium Towards More Beef ( 1973 : Mara Institute of Technolog Proceedings : Symposium Towards More Beef ... / edited by T. Mahendranathan, Mohd. Noordin bin Keling, S. Thamutaram. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium Towards More Beef ( 1973 : Mara Institute of Technolog Proceedings : Symposium Towards More Beef ... / edited by T. Mahendranathan, Mohd. Noordin bin Keling, S. Thamutaram. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Bridging the Dairy Gap ( 1975 : Mara Institute of T Proceedings : Symposium on Bridging the Dairy Gap / edited by C. Devendra, S. Thamutaram. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Management of Forest Production in Southeast Asia ( Proceedings of Forest Production in Southeast Asia, april 19-22, 1977, Bangkok Thailand / editorial staff, Kian al. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Sixth Malaysia Plan: Agricultural Policies and Strate Proceedings of PAUPM seminar 1990 / edited by Abdul Aziz S. A. Kadir, Wan Noordin Wan Daud and Kanesan Solomalai. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on PS1 and PS2 Oil Palm Planting Materials ( 1999 : Band Proceedings of Seminar on PS1 and PS2 Oil Palm Planting Materials held on 1st June 1999 at Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor / edited by Rajanaidu, N. and Jalani B. S. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Weed Science in the Tropics ( 1983 : Serdang). Proceedings of Weed science in the tropics/ edited by Rosli bin Mohamad, Rajan Amartalingam. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Principles and Practices of Artificial Drying of Padi Proceedings of a Seminar on Principles and Practices of Artificial Drying of Padi/ edited by J.M. Beeny. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Market Development of Palm Oil Products ( 1978 : Kual Proceedings of a seminar organised by the International Trade Centre UNCTAD/GATT of the United Nations, 27 March - 1 April 1978, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Southeast Asia Wood Industry Conference & Equipment Exhibit ( 3r Proceedings of the 3rd Southeast Asia Wood Industry Conference & Equipment Exhibit, Kuala Lumpur, 1980. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Cocoa-Coconuts ( 1976 : Tawau, Sabah). Proceedings of the EMPA Seminar on Cocoa-Coconuts, Tawau, Sabah, 1976. [Conference or Proceeding]

Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd Salleh Proceedings of the International Workshop for Islamic Scholars on Agribiotechnology: Shariah Compliance. [Conference or Proceeding]

Sea Grant Seminar and Workshop on Coastal Living Resources in Ma Proceedings of the Sea Grant Seminar and Workshop on Coastal Living Resources in Malaysia edited by M.W.R.N. De Silva and Nelson Marshall. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on the Production and Research of Paddy in Sabah ( 1980 Proceedings of the Seminar On the Production and Research of Paddy In Sabah, 20-21st May 1980/ edited by Jamilah Idris, Tseu Chee Thau, Karen Li. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Scientific Approach to Traditional Medicine ( 1983 : U.P Proceedings of the Seminar Scientific Approach to Traditional Medicine, 30th April 1983, U.P.M., Serdang/ edited by M. Marziah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Livestock Production and the Food Crisis ( 1975 : Kua Proceedings of the Seminar held at Dewan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, 4th January, 1975/ edited by T. Mahendranathan, S. Thamutaram. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Advances in Food Research in Malaysia ( 2nd : 1988 : Proceedings of the Seminar on Advances in Food Research in Malaysia - II, Feb. 3-4, 1988, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia / edited by Jinap Selamat, Jamilah Bakar. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Chemistry and Fertility of Malaysian Soils ( 1979 : S Proceedings of the Seminar on Chemistry and Fertility of Malaysian Soils, Serdang, Malaysia, 10th December 1979/ edited by Othman Yaacob and H.A.H. Sharifuddin. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Chemistry in Industrial Development ( 1975 : Kuala Lu Proceedings of the Seminar on Chemistry in Industrial Development, Kuala Lumpur 1975 : a report of the proceedings ofthe Seminar on Chemistry in Industrial Development held at Hotel Equatorial Kuala Lumpur from 21-22 March 1975 / orgaised by the Malaysian. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Commercial Cultivation of Teak, Sentang, Acacia and H Proceedings of the Seminar on Commercial Cultivation of Teak, Sentang, Acacia amd Hevea for Timber, 9 January 1997 / editors Ahmad Zuhaidi Yahya ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Fertilizers in Malaysian Agriculture ( 1983 : Serdang Proceedings of the Seminar on Fertilisers in Malaysian Agriculture, Serdang, Malaysia, 1983/ edited by Chew Poh Soon ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Integrated Pest Management In Malaysia ( 1984 : Kuala Proceedings of the Seminar on Integrated Pest Management in Malaysia 16-17 January 1984, Kuala Lumpur / edited by B. S. Lee, W. H. Loke, K. L. Heong. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Management and Labour Legislation in the Plantation I Proceedings of the Seminar on Management and Labour Legislation in the Plantation Industry, held in Kuala Lumpur, 15-16 September, 1978/ organised by the Incorporated Society of Planters. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Nitrogen in Malaysian Agriculture ( 1982 : Serdang). Proceedings of the Seminar on Nitrogen in Malaysian Agriculture, (29-30 March 1982, Serdang)/ edited by Zulkifli Shamsuddin, Joy Sundram and Tan Keh Huat. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Occupational Safety in Logging Industry in Sarawak ( Proceedings of the Seminar on Occupational Safety in Logging Industry in Sarawak 19-20 August 1985, Kuching, Sarawak/ edited by Abdillah Haji Abdul Rahim and Abang Naruddin Zainorin. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Soil and Leaf Analytical Methods - Their Techniques a Proceedings of the Seminar on Soil and Leaf Analytical Methods : their Techniques and Interpretation/ edited by A.M. Mokhtaruddin, H. Aminuddin. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Soils Correlation in Malaysia ( 1975 : Serdang.) Proceedings of the Seminar on Soils Correlation in Malaysia, Serdang, March, 1975/ edited by S. Paramananthan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar On Soils Correlation in Sabah ( 1980 : Kota Kinabalu). Proceedings of the Seminar on Soils Correlation in Sabah, 1980, Kota Kinabalu / edited by S. Paramananthan. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Worldwide Performance of DxP Oil Palm Planting Materi Proceedings of the Seminar on Worldwide Performance of DxP Oil Palm Planting Materials, Clones and Interspecific Hybrids / edited by Rajanaidu N. and Jalani B. S. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on the Dissemination of Agricultural Information in Mala Proceedings of the Seminar on the Dissemination of Agricultural Information in Malaysia held at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor on 22-24 January 1976/ edited by Syed Salim Agha and Badilah Saad. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on the State of the Malaysian Agriculture: a critical Re Proceedings of the Seminar on the State of the Malaysian Agriculture: a critical Review, 12-14 August 1982/ organised by the Agricultural Institute of Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Soil Science Conference of Malaysia ( 1995 : Langkawi ). Proceedings of the Soil Science Conference of Malaysia 1995, Langkawi, April 17-19, 1995 / editors B. Y. Aminuddin...[et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Solution Finding Symposium on Measures for Self-Reliant Farmers' Proceedings of the Solution Finding Symposium On Measures for Self-Reliant Farmers' Organisation, 15-17 January, 1990, Merlin Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on the Pig Industry ( 1971 : Selangor). Proceedings of the Symposium held at the State Veterinary Office, Selangor, 1-2 Sept., 1971 / edited by C. Devendra ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Good Housekeeping Rules for Latex Concentrate Produ Proceedings of the Symposium on Good Housekeeping Rules for Latex Concentrate Producers, 3 May 1978, Kuala Lumpur / edited by Ir. S. Sethu, J.C. Rajarao. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Humid Tropics Vegetation ( 1958 : Tjiawi, Indonesia Proceedings of the Symposium on Humid Tropics Vegatation, Tjiawi (Indonesia), December 1958. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on National Utilisation of Land Resources in Malaysia Proceedings of the Symposium on National Utilisation of Land Resources in Malaysia, held in Serdang 1973/ edited by M. Mohinder Singh. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Protein Rich Food in ASEAN ( 1979 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the Symposium on Protein Rich Food in ASEAN/ edited by Zahara Merican ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Smallholder Livestock Production and Development ( Proceedings of the Symposium on Smallholder Livestock Production and Development/ edited by C. Devendra, S. Thamutaram. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Vegetables and Ornamentals in the Tropics ( 1982 : Proceedings of the Symposium on Vegetables and Ornamentals in the Tropics U.P.M, Serdang, Oct. 27-28 1982/ editors Mohammad Md. Ali, Lim Eng Siong. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Meat Processing Industry In Malaysia ( 1978 : Kuala Proceedings of the Symposium on meat processing industry in Malaysia, 1978, Kuala Lumpur. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on National Utilisation of Land Resources in Malaysia Proceedings of the Symposium on national utilisation of land resources in Malaysia : Serdang : 1973 / Edited by M. Mohinder Singh. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on the Application of Tissue Culture Techniques in Eco Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Tissue Culture Techniques in Economically Important Tropical Trees, Bogor, Indonesia, December 7-9, 1987 / editors : Ruben C. al. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on the Science of Oil Palm Breeding ( 1992 : Montpelli Proceedings of the Symposium on the Science of Oil Palm Breeding, 30 June 1992 - 2 July 1992, Montpellier, France / edited by Rajanaidu N. and Jalani B.S. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on the Status and Conservation of Shallow-water Coastal Proceedings of the fourth annual seminar.../ edited by Joseph K. Charles. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on Mechanization in Oil Palm Plantation T?owards Improvi Proceedings of the national seminar on mechanization in oil palm plantation `Towards improving productivity through mechanization', 30 June - 1 July 1998, Equatorial Hotel, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia / edited by Ariffin Darus ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar On Quality Control And Standards For the Export of Froze Proceedings of the seminar .../ edited by Yeoh Quee Lan, Zaharah Merican Ahmad Kamari. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Medicinal Plants: Quality Herbal Products for Healthy li Proceedings of the seminar medicinal plants : quality herbal products for healthy living, 22-23 June 1999 / editors Chang Yu Shyum ... [et al.]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Self-Sufficiency in Feedstuffs for Increasing Anima Proceedings of the symposium ... held at the Institute of Technology MARA Selangor, 14th-15th January 1974 / edited by C. Devendra, T. Mahendranathan, S. Thamutaram. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Self-Sufficiency in Feedstuffs for Increasing Anima Proceedings of the symposium ... held at the Institute of Technology MARA Selangor, 14th-15th January 1974 / edited by C. Devendra, T. Mahendranathan, S. Thamutaram. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Classification and Management of Malaysian Soils ( Proceedings of the symposium on Classification and Management of Malaysian Soils, Kota Kinabalu, November 1974 / edited by Chan Heun Yin. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on Harvesting and Silviculture for Sustainable Forestr Proceedings of the symposium on harvesting and silviculture for sustainable forestry in the tropics 3-9 Oktober, 1992 / edited by Wan Razali Wan Mohd. [Conference or Proceeding]

Symposium on the Poultry Industry ( 1972 : Johor Bahru). Proceedings of the symposium on the poultry industry held at the Malayan Teachers' College, Johore Bahru, 8th to 11th April, 1972 / edited by T. Selvarajah, Mohd. Noordin bin Keling, S. Thamutaram. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on the Export Marketing of Wooden Furniture ( 1986 : Kua Proceedings: seminar on the export marketing of wooden furniture, 23rd-26th September 1986. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Bersama UKM-UNHAS ( 1997 : Bangi, Selangor) Prosiding "Pengembangan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana Menyonsong Abad ke-21" 1-2 Oktober 1997, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor) = The role of small and medium scale industries in the 21 century. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Kebangsaan Kumpulan Sebatian Semula Jadi ( Ke 6 : 1989 : Prosiding : seminar kebangsaan kumpulan sebatian semula jadi ke VI, 19-20 Jun 1989, Jabatan Kimia, UTM, Sekudai / penyunting Farediah Ahmad, Hasnah Mohd Sirat, Muhammad Sum Hj. Idris. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar & Bengkel Pengurusan Rumpai Sawah Padi Kebangsaan 1988 ( Prosiding Seminar & Bengkel Pengurusan Rumpai Sawah Padi Kebangsaan 1988, 7-9 Jun 1988, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia / edited by Lam Yuet Ming, Cheong Ah Wah, Azmi Man. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Penyelidikan Perikanan ( 1988 : Melaka). Prosiding Seminar Penyelidikan Perikanan, 28-29 Jun 1988, Pulau Pinang = Proceedings Fisheries Research Seminar 1988. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar Penyelidikan Perikanan ( 1989 : Melaka). Prosiding Seminar penyelidikan perikanan 27-29 Jun 1989, Melaka = Proceedings Fisheries Research Seminar 1989. [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium Buah-buahan Kebangsaan ( 1986 : Mardi, Serdang). Prosiding Simposium Buah-Buahan Kebangsaan = Proceedings of the National Fruit Symposium / editors, Chan Y. K., Raveendranathan P. & Zabedah Mahmood. [Conference or Proceeding]

Seminar on National Biotechnology Programmes ( 2nd : 1990 : Fras Prosiding seminar program bioteknologi Kebangsaan Kedua / penyunting oleh Koh Chong Lek. [Conference or Proceeding]

Simposium Buah-buahan Tempatan ( 1972 : Kuala Lumpur). Simposium Buah-buahan Tempatan, 17hb - 20hb Julai 1972 di Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur/ anjoran Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan. [Conference or Proceeding]


Tan,, Yew Chong (2019) Challenges and way forward on brownfield development via PPP. [Conference or Proceeding]

Trevelyan, Rosie (2017) Building capacity for managing ecosystem services. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tangah, Joseph (2017) A decade of restoration efforts and rehabilitation of degraded mangroves in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Teo, Albert (2017) Ecotourism development : community based tourism in the Heart of Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tangah, Joseph and Baba, Shigeyuki and Chan, Hung Tuck (2016) SFD & ISME collaboration on mangrove rehabilitation in sustainable forest management. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tukiman, Hussin (2016) Updates of the Lower Kinabatangan-Segama Wetlands (LKSW) Ramsar project in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Trevelyan, Rosie (2016) Capacity building as a tool for conservation. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tukiman, Hussin and Sapni, Abdul Samah and Yusof, Mohd Amzari (2015) Overview of lower Kinabatangan-Segama Wetlands (LKSW) Ramsar project in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tyler, Anna (2015) Policies and initiatives to support healthy landscapes and watersheds. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tongkul, Felix (2015) Status of Mount Kinabalu water catchments after the June 2015 Ranau earthquake –lessons learned. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tuan Ibrahim, Tuan Marina (2014) Cost-benefits analysis on the development of Belum-Temenggor Ecological Corridor in Gerik, Perak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Teng, Xin Yao and Ting, King Boh (2014) Sawing pattern for improving recovery of ‘superbulk’ in Sarawak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tisen, Oswald Braken and Abang Aimran, Abang Arabi (2014) Voice of the people in conservation : The Piasau Camp story. [Conference or Proceeding]

Thaung, Tint Lwin (2012) Connecting hearts of the people through the forests of Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tengku Mahamood, Tengku Zainal Adlin (2012) Responsible tourism : is there a future for Sabah ? [Conference or Proceeding]

Taw, Nyan, . (2011) Expending pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farming in Biofloc System. [Conference or Proceeding]

Taw, Nyan (2010) Problem solving in practical shrimp farming. [Conference or Proceeding]

Taw, Nyan (2010) Shrimp (Pacific white shrimp) farm biosecurity: practical methods to prevent virus entering farm and quarantine if infected to prevent from spreading. [Conference or Proceeding]

Taw, Nyan (2009) Potential for development of bio-floc technology for pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farming. [Conference or Proceeding]

Taw, Nyan (2009) Potential for development of bio-floc technology for pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)farming. [Conference or Proceeding]

Taw, Nyan and Fuat, Hendri and Tarigan, Naira and Sidabutar, Kaesar (2009) Partial harvest with BFT, a promising system for Pacific white shrimp. [Conference or Proceeding]

Taw, Nyan and Fuat, Hendri and Tarigan, Naira and Sidabutar, Kaesar (2009) Partial harvest with BFT, a promising system for pacific white shrimp. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tran Van Con, . (2005) Structural and dynamic properties of the dry dipterocarp forest in central highland of Vietnam. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tun Abdul Razak Conference on Environmental Conservation and Man (1993) Papers presented at the Fifth Tun Abdul Razak conference, 16-18 April 1993, Athens, Ohio. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tropical Silviculture Workshop at IUFRO Centennial Conference ( (1993) The quest for sustainability : 100 years of silviculture and management in the Tropics, proceedings of the ... / edited by Peter J. Wood, Jerome K. Vanclay, Wan Razali Wan Mohd. [Conference or Proceeding]

Technical Workshop on Soil Science ( 1983 : Serdang). (1983) (Summary of papers) of Technical Workshop... held on 8-10 Nov., 1983, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor. [Conference or Proceeding]

Training Course on Cattle Production ( 1973 : Serdang). (1973) (Papers presented at the Course). [Conference or Proceeding]

The Coconut Industry in West Malaysia ( 1968 : Kuala Lumpur). (1968) Workshop proceedings. [Conference or Proceeding]

Taw, Nyan, . Future of biofloc technology in Asia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Training Workshop on the Valuation of Non-Timber Forest Goods an Proceedings : Training Workshop on the Valuation of Non-Timber Forest Goods and Services, Forestry Training Unit, Kepong, Selangor, 28 November-3 December 1994. [Conference or Proceeding]

Training Course On Timber Products Marketing ( 1989 : Lae, Papua Proceedings of Training Course on Timber Products Marketing, Lae, Papua New Guinea, 7-18 August, 1989 / edited by Sein Maung Wint, Shaari A. Hamid. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tropical Silviculture Workshop ( 1992 : Berlin). Proceedings of the Tropical Silviculture Workshop at the IUFRand Wan Razali Wan Berlin / edited by Peter J.Wood, Jerome K. Vanclay and Wan Razali Wan Mohd. [Conference or Proceeding]

Technical Seminar on Marine Fishery Resources Survey in the Sout Proceedings of the second technical seminar on marine fishery resources survey in the South China Sea, Area II: Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei Darussalam waters, 14 - 15 December 1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Training Course on Timber Products Marketing ( 1988 : Serdang, S Proceedings of the training course on timber products market Serdang, 5-17 September, 1988 / edited by R.K.Raina, Nik Muhamad Majid and Rusli Mohd. [Conference or Proceeding]

Tropical Weed Science Conference ( 3rd : 1990 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the...4th-6th December, 1990, Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur / editors Lee S.A. and K.F. Kon. [Conference or Proceeding]


Unknown, . (2016) Mobilising the contribution of science to conservation policy & best practice. [Conference or Proceeding]

uknown, . (2010) ASEAN Peatland Forests Project (APFP): Workshop on Options for Carbon Financing to Support Peatland Management. [Conference or Proceeding]

unknown, . (2005) Asean Peatland Management Initiative: Sustainable Management of Peatlands: Wise Use, Prevention of Fires & Rehabilitation. [Conference or Proceeding]

Unesco National Workshop on Promotion of Microbiology in Malaysi (1991) (Abstracts of) Unesco national workshop on promotion of microbiology in Malaysia, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, 28-29 January 1991. [Conference or Proceeding]

UPM-MAPPS Course on Pesticide Application Technology ( 2nd: 1983 (1983) Papers presented at the course on Pesticide Application Technology, 18-22 Oct. 1983, Serdang,/ Organised by UPM and Malaysian Plant Protection Society. [Conference or Proceeding]

Universiti Sains Malaysia Rural Development Seminar ( 1975 : Pul (1977) New perspective on land development and settlement in Malaysia: proceedings Universiti Sains Malaysia Rural Development Seminar 1975/ editors Paul Kaplan ... (et al). [Conference or Proceeding]

UNDP`s Water & Ocean Governance Programme, IOC/UNESCO, FAO and I A Blueprint for Ocean and Coastal Sustainability. [Conference or Proceeding]

Unesco Regional Symposium-Workshop on Biotechnology in the Utili Proceedings of the Unesco Regional Symposium-Workshop on... held at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang 4-14 May, 1981. [Conference or Proceeding]


von Hase, Amrei (2017) Capacity building for a biodiversity net gain policy in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Valentine, Bernard (2017) The training at the Sabah Forestry Institute : achievements & the way forward. [Conference or Proceeding]

Vaidhayakarn, Chawapick (2016) Lessons from "integrated Community-based Forest and Catchment Management through an Ecosystem Service Approach" (CBFCM) at Mae Sa Catchment, Northern Thailand. [Conference or Proceeding]

Viana, Virgilio and Salviati, Victor (2016) Bolsa Floresta Programme : lessons learnt from Amazonas State-Brazil for innovative arrangements to foster conservation finance strategies. [Conference or Proceeding]

Veterinary Association Malaysia, . (2016) Proceedings of the 28th VAM Congress 2016 : Veterinary services and practice – meeting the challenges and standards. [Conference or Proceeding]

Vigerstol, Kari (2015) Water funds : sustainable source water protection. [Conference or Proceeding]


Wibowo, Prabianto Mukti (2017) Heart of Borneo transboundary ecotourism & nature protection : promoting conditions for long-term sustainability & prosperity in the Heart of Borneo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Williams, Sara (2017) Integrating animal movement simulation as a connectivity metric in systematic reserve design. [Conference or Proceeding]

Wong, Siew Te and Guharajan, Roshan and Goossens, Benoit (2016) Status of sun bear in the Lower Kinabatangan Segama Wetlands (LKSW) and adjacent areas in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Webber, Darrel (2015) Overview of Sabah 100% CSPO concept. [Conference or Proceeding]

Watanabe, Shin and Tangah, Joseph (2015) Preliminary survey to set up long-term mangrove monitoring site and to establish a transcriptome database for primary mangrove species. [Conference or Proceeding]

Wong, Siong Kuan and Ahmad, Sapuan and Bauk, Ridi and Razali, Baher@Biha and Bujang, Abdul Wahad (2014) The Essential roles of forest plantation towards sustainability of wood production & wood-based industries in Sarawak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Wan Abd Rahman, Wan Abdul Hamid Shukri and Kasmani, Shahrulnizam and Mahidin@Mohiden, Mohd. Basri (2014) Forest cover mapping using geospatial technology in Peninsular Malaysia – towards the enhancement of future spatial - based forestry reporting. [Conference or Proceeding]

Webber, Darrel (2011) Palm oil : RSPO’s role in balancing people planet & profit. [Conference or Proceeding]

Wachrinrat, Chongrak and Khlangsap, Somphat and Paungchit, Ladawan and Teejuntuk, Sakhan and Jamroenprucksa, Monton (2005) Effect of thinning on growth and yield of Acacia mangium-Dipterocarpus alatus mixed plantation. [Conference or Proceeding]

Wong, Jephrin Zefrinus (2003) Current information on inland capture fishery in Sabah, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Conservation, Management and Development of Forest R (1998) Conservation, management and development of forest resources : proceedings of the Malaysia-United Kingdom Programme Workshop, 21-24 October 1996, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / edited by Lee Su See ... [et al]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Forestry Economics and Policy : R & D Towards Achiev (1998) Working papers of Workshop on Forestry Economics and Policy ... Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, 10-11 November 1998. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on techniques and instrumentation for plant physiology (1993) [Proceedings of the] Workshop on Techniques and Instrumentation for Plant Physiology, 21-22 September 1993 di Institut Pengajian Tinggi, IPT, Universiti Malaya, Selangor / K.L. Liew. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop for Orchid Growers ( 1992 : Serdang, Malaysia). (1992) [Papers presented at the] Workshop for Orchid Growers, 20-21 November 1992, Serdang, Selangor. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Postharvest Handling and Utilization of FLCG Crops i (1991) Workshop on Postharvest Handling and Utilization of FLCG Crops in Asia : proceedings. [Conference or Proceeding]

Woodwork 90 Conference ( 1990 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). (1990) Tropical forest - coping with changes and its challenges : [papers presented at the] Woodwork 90 Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 13 June 1990. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshops on Forest Sector Evaluation and Industrial Planning. S (1989) South East Asian countries : phase I: lecture and exercises : proceedings of Workshops on Forest Sector Evaluation and Industrial Planning, Serdang, 3-14 October 1988 / edited by Aurea M. Ojerio, Heikki O. Rissanen. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment : Tropical U (1988) Environmental monitoring and assessment : tropical urban applications : National Workshop, 24-29th November, 1986, Bangi, Malaysia, organised by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre, King's College, University of Lo. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop/Study Tour of Grain Storage Systems ( 1988 : Zheijang P (1988) Grain storage systems in selected Asian countries : proceedings of the workshop/tour of grain storage systems held at Zheijang Province, People Republic of China, 2nd-7th May 1988 / edited and compiled by R.L. Semple []. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on the Current Status of Automation in Malaysian Palm O (1987) Papers presented at the... [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop of Soil Science Department ( 2nd : 1985 : Serdang UPM). (1987) (Proceedings) of the Workshop of Soil Science Department, 2nd. editors Shamshuddin Jusop Othman Yaacob. [Conference or Proceeding]

Wood-based Energy Production Seminar ( 3rd : 1985 : Farna, Swede (1986) Report of the third Wood-based Energy Production Seminar, 2-27 September 1985 at Farna, Sweden / by W.K. Hoi. [Conference or Proceeding]

Woksyop Perkembangan Terbaharu Dalam Teknologi Penggunaan Racun (1985) Working papers of the Workshop On Recent Developments In Pesticide Application Technology 21st Jan. 1985, UPM Serdang. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Grain Post-Harvest Technology ( 6th : 1983 : Bogor, (1983) Maintaining good grain quality : proceedings of the 6th annual workshop on grain post-harvest technology, Punchak Pass, Bogor, Indonesia 3-6 May 1983 / edited by N.C. Teter, R.L. Semple and A.S. Frio. [Conference or Proceeding]

Woksyop Asas Ekologi Untuk Kegunaan Rasional Sumber di Kawasan L (1982) (Kertaskerja kertaskerja Woksyop Asas Ekologi Untuk Kegunaan ...). [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop for the Development of Small Scale Agrobased Enterprise (1980) (Final report of the Workshop for the Development of Small Scale Agrobased Enterprises, 22nd-27th Sept. 1980 at Fraser's Hill). [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop for the Development of Small Scale Agrobased Enterprise (1980) (Final report of the Workshop for the Development of Small Scale Agrobased Enterprises, 22nd-27th Sept. 1980 at Fraser's Hill). [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Farm Mechanisation for the Oil Palm Industry ( 1980 (1980) (Papers presented at the Workshop on Farm Mechanisation for the Oil Palm Industry, 3-4th December, 1980/ organised by Porim). [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Training Needs for Development Workers in West Malay (1980) (Papers presented at the Workshop on Training Needs for Development Workers in West Malaysia 12-13 March 1980). [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Alternative Renewable Sources of Energy for Rural Ap (1980) (Papers presented at the seminar/ organised by Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia). [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Mangrove and Estuarine Vegetation ( 1977 : Universit (1980) (Proceedings of the) Workshop on Mangrove and Estuarine Vegetation, 10th December, 1977/ edited by P.B.L. Srivastava, Razali Abdul Kader. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Social Indicators in Land Development ( 1980 : Kuala (1980) (Working papers presented at the Felda Workshop on Social Indicators, Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, March 10-15, 1980). [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Mangrove and Estuarine Vegetation ( 1977 : Universit (1977) Workshop on mangrove and estuarine vegetation, 10th December 1977 Serdang. [Conference or Proceeding]

Wokshop Latehan Dalam Khidmat (In-Service Training Workshop) ( 1 (1968) [Summary of papers and discussions of major topics] : Wokshop Latehan Dalam Khidmat (In-service Training Workshop) di-Sekolah Pertanian, Serdang pada 15hb. April, 1968. [Conference or Proceeding]

WORLD HALAL FORUM SECRETARIAT Genetically Modified (GM) Crops & Halal Workshop Report World Halal Forum 2010. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Agricultural Extension for Small Farmers ( 1982 : Ku (Papers presented at the Workshop on Agricultural Extension for Small Farmers, Kuala Lumpur, 3-7 May 1982). [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on the Production of Natural Flavours for Food ( 1992 : Proceedings : ASEAN Workshop on the Production of Natural Flavours for Food held at Kuala Lumpur on 18-22 May 1992 / editors Zahara Merican [et al]. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Ganoderma ( 1990 : Bangi). Proceedings of Ganoderma Workshop. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Alternative Renewable Sources of Energy for Rural Ap Proceedings of Workshop on Alternative Renewable Sources of Energy for Rural Applications, 5-6th May 1980, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang Selangor/ edited by M. Zohadie Bardaie, Lee Teang Shui. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Palm Oil Technical Promotion and Market Development Proceedings of Workshop on Palm Oil Technical Promotion and Market Development/ organised by the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, 15 June 1982, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Progress of Oil Palm Breeding Populations ( 1988 : P Proceedings of Workshop on Progress of Oil Palm Breeding Populations Permatang Siantar, Sumatra, Indonesia, 25 November 1988. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Quality in the Palm Oil Industry ( 1983 : Palm Oil R Proceedings of Workshop on Quality in the Palm Oil Industry / organised by Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, 2-3 August, 1983. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Transfer of Technology in Food Processing in Asean ( Proceedings of Workshop on Transfer of Technology in Food Processing in Asean, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, October 8-13, 1984 / organised by the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Protein, Malaysia and the Food Technology Division, MARDI. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Hydrological Impacts of Forestry Practices and Reaff Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Hydrological Impacts of Forestry Practices and Reafforestation, 2nd-6th November 1981, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia / edited by Kamis Awang ... (et. al. ). [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Hydrological Impacts of Forestry Practices and Reaff Proceedings of the Workshop .../ edited by Khamis Awang ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Phosphate Sources for Acid Soils in the Humid Tropic Proceedings of the Workshop Phosphate Sources for Acid Soils in the Humid Tropics of Asia, 6-7 November 1990, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Organised by Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia, Malaysian Society of Soil Science. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Classification and Management of Peat in Malaysia ( Proceedings of the Workshop on Classification and Management of Peat in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1984/ edited by E. Pushparajah, Wong Chaw Bin. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Productivity of the Mangrove Ecosystem: Management I Proceedings of the Workshop on Productivity of the Mangrove Ecosystem : management Implications, held at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 4-6 October 1983 / edited by Ong Jin-Eong and Gong Wooi Khoon. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Recent Developments in Pesticide Application Technol Proceedings of the Workshop on Recent Developments in Pesticide Application Technology / edited by Teoh Cheng Hai. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Review of Palm Oil Mill Effluent Technology ( 1984 : Proceedings of the Workshop on Review of Palm Oil Mill Effluent Technology. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Standardization, Approval and Treatment of Timber Pi Proceedings of the Workshop on Standardization, Approval and Treatment of Timber Piles Usage in the building and construction Industry, Subang Jaya, Selangor, 25-26 May 1982. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Tyre Rubber ( 1975 : Kuala Lumpur). Proceedings of the Workshop on Tyre Rubber, Kuala Lumpur, 1975/ edited by Pong Kai See and Cheong Sai Fah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Vaccine Production ( 1981 : Ipoh). Proceedings of the Workshop on Vaccine Production, 16 February - 6 March, 1981 (held at) Veterinary Research Institute, Ipoh, Malaysia/ organised jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome and the Veterinary Services Department Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Oil Palm Planting Materials: Requirement Towards the Proceedings of the Workshop on oil palm planting materials ... 5-6 Oct.1994. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on the Applications of Ionizing Technology in Food Pres Proceedings of the Workshop on the Applications of Ionizing Technology in Food Preservation, Kuala Lumpur, 25th-26th April, 1985. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Ecological Basis for Rational Resource Utilization i Proceedings of the workshop ... held at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor on the 18th-22Jan., 1982 : Universiti Pertanian Malaysia/ edited by Kamis Awang ... (et al.). [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Farm Mechanisation in the Oil Palm Industry ( 1980 : Proceedings of the workshop .../ organised by Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, 3rd-4th December 1980. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on Food and Nutrition Promotion Strategies in Malaysia Proceedings of the workshop on food and nutrition promotion strategies in Malaysia 19-21 September 1995 / editors Tee E. Siong, Zaharah Merican and Khatijah Idris. [Conference or Proceeding]

Workshop on exploitation technologies to address current labour Proceedings workshop on exploitation technologies to address current labour problems in the rubber industry. [Conference or Proceeding]

Wan Rahimah Wan Ismail. Processing of fishery products in Malaysia / by Wan Rahimah bte. Wan Ismail. [Conference or Proceeding]

Wan Johari Wan Daud Processing of traditional fish products in Malaysia with special reference to Trengganu/ by Wan Johari bin Wan Daud. [Conference or Proceeding]


Yap, Neville and Ramsa, Najib (2017) Community Based Ecologically Sustainable Tourism (CBEST) programme in Sabah. [Conference or Proceeding]

Yapp, Neville (2016) Supporting governance and management of natural resources in the Lower Kinabatangan Segama Wetlands Ramsar Site. [Conference or Proceeding]

Yapp, Neville and Jonas, Harry (2015) Ramsar living wetland. [Conference or Proceeding]

Yeong, Kok Loong (2015) Regenerative capacity and ecosystem functioning of fragmented dipterocarp forests in Sabah, Malaysia. [Conference or Proceeding]

Yasin, Hizamri (2014) Initiative to regreen Amanjaya Forest Reserve: a better solution through carbon offset project? [Conference or Proceeding]

Yahya, Juliana (2014) Pengeluaran kayu-kayan berkualiti tinggi melalui pendekatan Pengurusan Hutan Pelbagai Tingkat di Hutan Simpan Chikus, Perak. [Conference or Proceeding]

Yong, Lee Keng (2012) Creating shared value – Nestle’s sustainable solution to sustainability. [Conference or Proceeding]

Yussof, Mahmud (2011) Brunei Heart of Borneo : promoting green economy through multi-sectoral involvement. [Conference or Proceeding]


Zuber, Paul (2019) The application of advanced technology to improve water quality while optimizing urban land utilization. [Conference or Proceeding]

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