Number of items: 33.
Biotrop Symposium on Mensurational problems of Forest Inventory
Mensurational problems of forest inventory in Southeast Asia : proceedings of Biotrop Symposium on Mensurational Problems of Forest Inventory in Southeast Asia, Bogor, Indonesia, 26-28 June 1980 / edited by : Rudolf W. Becking.
[Conference or Proceeding]
Chakraborty, K. R. and Metcalfe, I.
Intrabed andalusite abundance variation as an indicator of graded beds: an example from Kuala Kemasik, Trengganu.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
159 -166.
ISSN 2637-109X
Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production ( 6th :
The Malaysian livestock industries status and potential: proceedings of the sixth Annual Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production held on 10 & 11th August 1982 at Genting Highlands/ ed by R.H. Clarke, M. Pathmasingam, G. Sivasupramanium.
[Conference or Proceeding]
FAO/LKIM Workshop on Strategic Fisheries Development and Manpowe
Report on the FAO/LKIM Workshop on Strategic Fisheries Development and Manpower Planning in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25-27 October 1982.
[Conference or Proceeding]
Foss, C. A.
On the feasibility of detecting potholes and limestone pinnacles in alluvial mining areas by gravity surveys.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
pp. 23-30.
Haile, N. S. and Beckinsale, R. D. and Chakraborty, K. R. and Abdul Hanif Hussein and Tjahjo Hardjono.
Palaeomagnetism, geochronology and petrology of the dolerite dykes and basaltic lavas from Kuantan, West Malaysia.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
pp. 71-85.
ISSN 2637-109X
Huang, Tunyow.
Significant datum planes of the Western Taiwan Neogene.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
pp. 47-60.
ISSN 2637-109X
International Conference on Palm Oil Product Technology in the E
Palm oil product technology in the eighties: a report of the proceedings of the International Conference on Palm Oil Product Technology in the Eighties held in Kuala Lumpur from 22-24 June, 1981/ edited by E. Pushparajah and M. Rajadurai.
[Conference or Proceeding]
International Congress of the Society for the Advancement of Bre
Crop improvement research: proceedings of the Fourth International SABRAO Congress/ edited by T.C. Yap, K.M. Graham, Jalani Sukaimi.
[Conference or Proceeding]
Khoo, T. T.
Metamorphic episodes of the western foothills of Gunung Ledang (Mt. Ophir), Johore-Malacca, with a background account on the geology.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
pp. 117-138.
ISSN 2637-109X
Khoo, T. T. and Lim, S. P.
Nature of the contact between the Taku Schists and adjacent rocks in the Manek Urai area, Kelantan and its implications.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
pp. 139-158.
ISSN 2637-109X
Laznicka, Peter.
Strata-related metallic deposits: their economic past, present, and future.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
193 -213.
ISSN 2637-109X
Loke, M. H. and Lee, C. Y. and Klinken, G. van.
Interpretation of regional gravity and magnetic data in Peninsular Malaysia.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
pp. 1-21.
ISSN 2637-109X
Malaysian Timber Marketing Conference 1983 Kuala Lumpur.
Opportunities & challanges in market revival : proceedings (of) Malaysian Timber Marketing Conference, 6 & 7th December, 1983, Kuala Lumpur Hilton.
[Conference or Proceeding]
National Symposium on Engineering Towards Progressive Agricultur
Engineering towards progressive agriculture : proceeding of a National Symposium at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 22-23th Sept. 1983/ editors Fakhrul Razi Ahmadun ... (et al.).
[Conference or Proceeding]
Akta Makanan 1983 (Akta 281) & Peraturan-peraturan : (hingga 20hb Februari 2012) / disusun oleh Lembaga Penyelidikan Undang-Undang.
PETA Seminar '83 "The Recession and Realities in Malaysian Agric
The recession and realities in Malaysian agriculture: papers presented at the Seminar held on 28th-29th March 1983 in Kuala Lumpur.
[Conference or Proceeding]
Perpustakaan Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, .
Buletin Maklumat Pertanian Malaysia- Bank Pertanian Malaysia: Peranan dan Perkhidmatan.
[Bulletin / Newsletter]
Perpustakaan Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, .
Buletin Maklumat Pertanian Malaysia- Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang (LPP): Satu pengenalan.
[Bulletin / Newsletter]
Perpustakaan Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, .
Buletin Maklumat Pertanian Malaysia- Projek ASEAN PLANTI:
Perkembangan dan Kegiatannya.
[Bulletin / Newsletter]
Raj, J. K.
Negative lineaments in the granitic bedrock areas of NW Peninsular Malaysia.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
pp. 61-70.
ISSN 2637-109X
Rau, Jon L. and Nutalaya, Prinya.
Geology of the Bangkok Clay.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
pp. 99-116.
ISSN 2637-109X
S. Paramananthan and M. Tharmarajan.
Lateritic soils of Peninsular Malaysia.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
pp. 87-97.
ISSN 2637-109X
Seminar Kebangsaan Hutan, Taman Negara dan Taman Bandaran Untuk
Rekreasi Luar di Malaysia = (Outdoor recreation in Malaysia) : jalan-bicara : Seminar Kebangsaan Hutan, Taman Negara dan Taman Bandaran untuk Rekreasi 26-28 September, 1983, Serdang, Selangor / sidang pengarang, Wan Sabri Wan Mansor ... [et al.].
[Conference or Proceeding]
Seminar Kebangsaan Sistem Maklumat INFOTERRA ( 1983 : Kuala Lump
(Kertaskerja kertaskerja Seminar Kebangsaan Sistem Maklumat Infoterra yang berlangsung pada 16-17 Februari, 1983).
[Conference or Proceeding]
Seminar Pembangunan Wilayah dan Kawasan Kearah Pendekatan Baru (
Laporan Seminar Pembangunan Wilayah dan Kawasan, INTAN, 17-19 Feb. 1983.
[Conference or Proceeding]
Seminar on Recent Developments and Future Prospects of the Cocoa
Papers presented at the Seminar on Recent Developments and Future Prospects of the Cocoa Industry in Malaysia.
[Conference or Proceeding]
Simposium Sains Rumpai di Tropika ( 1983 : UPM, Serdang).
Kertas kerja-kertas kerja yang dibentangkan di Simposium Sains Rumpai di Tropika 4-5 Okt. 1983 UPM, Serdang Symposium on Weed Science in The Tropics.
[Conference or Proceeding]
Tan, Denis N. K.
Potential and properties of some rock aggregates in Sarawak.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
pp. 179-192.
ISSN 2637-109X
Tan, Teong Hing.
Subaquatic plants as geochemical samples.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 16.
167 -177.
ISSN 2637-109X
Technical Workshop on Soil Science ( 1983 : Serdang).
(Summary of papers) of Technical Workshop... held on 8-10 Nov., 1983, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor.
[Conference or Proceeding]
UPM-MAPPS Course on Pesticide Application Technology ( 2nd: 1983
Papers presented at the course on Pesticide Application Technology, 18-22 Oct. 1983, Serdang,/ Organised by UPM and Malaysian Plant Protection Society.
[Conference or Proceeding]
Workshop on Grain Post-Harvest Technology ( 6th : 1983 : Bogor,
Maintaining good grain quality : proceedings of the 6th annual workshop on grain post-harvest technology, Punchak Pass, Bogor, Indonesia 3-6 May 1983 / edited by N.C. Teter, R.L. Semple and A.S. Frio.
[Conference or Proceeding]
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 22:06:48 2025 UTC.